Hormonal Acne 101: Expert-Approved Ways to Zap Away Zits

Ayurvedic expert Dr Varalakshmi Yanamandra shares how to treat hormonal acne naturally with a targeted anti-acne diet and lifestyle changes to get flawlessly fabulous skin.

Jan 15, 2021
"Hormonal acne is a type of acne due to the hormonal fluctuations and seen before or during a period. It is not a medical term, it is a commonly used term used to describe acne caused due to hormonal imbalances. Typically seen during puberty, it can also affect adult women with underlying conditions such as menstrual abnormalities, PCOS and menopause due to high levels of androgens," says Dr Varalakshmi Yanamandra, an Ayurvedic practitioner and director of Ayur Wellness and Pain Centre.
Ayurveda says that our skin is a mirror of our internal health and any internal imbalances can lead to skin eruptions. So, having a good metabolism, balanced doshas, nourished dhatus are all vital for healthy skin. Dr Varalakshmi adds that consuming spicy, fried, oily and acidic foods in excess, lack of sleep and stress or exposure to hot temperatures for a prolonged period can cause an imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas, vitiate Rakta (blood) dhatu and Mamsa (muscle) dhatu. This is turn can cause constant skin irritation resulting in acne.
"If you are acne-prone, your diet should include blood cleansing and detoxifying foods. So, have sweet and cooling bitter and astringent vegetables such as carrot, cucumber, broccoli, and beetroot once or twice a week. Fresh and cooling fruits like apples, pears, watermelon, guava, and berries are also good for you," she says.
She also suggests paying close attention to your digestion. "Good digestion is crucial for our health and to detox our blood. Include fibre-rich foods such as apples, pears, soaked nuts for an easy bowel movement. Aim for at least six-eight glasses of water every day and sip warm water in between meals."
"Regularly cleanse your face with warm water and steam your face at least twice a week. Opt for natural face wash with aloe vera and neem. Use rose water to remove makeup and avoid chemical makeup."
If you are battling active acne, you will require a spot treatment to prevent scarring. Dr Yanamandra suggests a DIY treatment, "Make a paste with turmeric and honey. Apply this on the pimples and pimple scars. It helps to soothe the inflammation and reduce the post-pimple marks."
"Apply a face mask by adding one teaspoon of chandana (sandalwood powder) and one teaspoon of manjistha (Indian madder) powder with rose water. Keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off. It can help to balance Pitta and prevents hormonal acne."
"Amla or gooseberry is a tridosha balancing herb and is rich in anti-oxidants. Make it part of your everyday diet to get glowing skin. You should also try to include blood purifying herbs such as manjistha to help balance rakta and detox your liver."
"Exercise is one of the simple ways to boost our metabolism and improve our health. Ayurveda recommends that one should do exercise till their half strength. Regular exercise can eliminate ama/toxins from our body and detoxifies the skin. Breathing practices like alternate nostril breathing can detox our mind and reduce stress and anxiety."
- Oil pulling/ Kavala "Oil pulling or Kavala is one of the best practices for balancing Kapha as per Ayurveda. Sesame oil is the recommended oil for this purpose. Just take two teaspoons of warm sesame oil inside your mouth and swish it around at least for 5 to 10 minutes. It helps in strengthening our oral cavity and improves blood circulation, also enhances skin health."
"Udvartana or dry brushing is a daily practice to include in your self-care routine. It is a great practice to balance Kapha and remove ama/toxins from our body. Ayurveda recommends powder of herbs such as neem, manjistha, chandana and triphala for this procedure. It stimulates our lymphatic system and removes any dead cells that clog sweat pores. One should practice this at least twice or thrice a week to get good results."
"Optimal sleep is essential for good skin health. Maintaining good sleep hygiene and routine is beneficial. Avoid exposure to artificial lights on your mobile at least 90 minutes before you sleep. Warm oil massage on your feet with Brahmi tailam can calm the mind and induce sleep naturally. A warm bath followed by gentle breathing techniques such as alternate nostril breathing or humming bee Pranayama can stimulate deep sleep."
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