Quarantine Workout: 10 Lockdown Exercises to Keep You Fit, Focused and Sane

Strength coach to Hrithik Roshan and former cricketer Swapneel Hazare shares some easy fitness moves that burn fat and fight the bulge while you social distance.

Sep 29, 2020
This workout will break up any inactivity you may be experiencing from laying down on the couch all day. An exceptional workout for getting the core activated, it can serve as a warm-up prior to exercise. This exercise helps in lengthening through the spine by activating the posterior chain of your core muscles. You can start the workout in a tabletop position on an exercise mat with your shoulders being placed directly over your wrists and hips stacked above your knees. Ensure to maintain a neutral spine. Followed by this you must reach and spread your right arm straight out in front of you, drawing your right bicep by your ear. Alongside, gradually outspread your left leg out, gently lifting it off the mat. You should aim to create a straight line from your right fingertips to your left heel. Gradually consider placing your right hand and left knee back on the mat and then repeat the same on the opposite side. You can perform about ten reps on each side.
Stand with a hip or shoulder width stance with feet pointing slightly outwards (1oclock and 11oclock). This is your starting position. From here lower your body as low as possible while keeping an upright torso. Take a slight pause at the bottom and slowly push yourself back to the starting position. Make sure you don’t bounce or jerk at the bottom of the movement and perform the movement in a smooth and controlled manner. Perform as many reps as possible and repeat it for 2- 3 sets. If the absence of dumbbells or kettlebells is preventing you from working out, with these exercises that can be performed by using your household items you don’t really need to worry about missing out on your daily dose of fitness. These simple exercises can be performed even while you are isolated at home will ensure to keep you fit, focused and sane.
This workout should unswervingly follow your push-ups. Stay in a high plank position with your shoulders above your wrist which is your starting position for the pushups. Now you must simply take your right hand and must tap the front of your left shoulder. Post making a contact with your shoulder, you must speedily withdraw the hand to the original position and then subsequently perform with the differing hand. You must endure tapping back and forth with each for as long as you are able to.
This is an amazing workout that will keep you motivated to stay fit even during the lockdown. Most of us are very familiar with this workout owing to the fact that it’s extremely advantageous for adding the required strength to your arms, core and mid-section. You must begin by placing your knees or toes and your hands on the mat with your arms being completely straight but making sure the elbows are not locked and while maintaining your back straight. This must be followed by lowering down your torso to the floor and then returning back to the starting position. You must perform as many reps as possible.
Start this exercise by getting into a push-up position on your mat, stabilizing on your forearms. With your weight being placed on your forearms and toes, make sure u bring your elbows underneath your shoulders. Elevate your body to form a straight line from your head to your heels. By holding this position for about twenty seconds you can take a break and rest for about thirty seconds. Try performing three reps.
Start the workout with your feet being shoulder-distance apart. This must be followed by pushing your butt back as you consider lowering down into a squat position, getting your hands to the surface. You must now jump your feet back in order to get into a high plank posture and then must gradually lower your body to the flat surface. From here, spread your arms in front of you with your legs being placed behind you, elevating your legs, arms, and torso off the floor in a superman or superwoman position. You must now pause for a second by holding this position. Get your hands by your chest and consider jumping your feet to the outside of your hands in a way that you land in a deep squat. Then, you must jump up, firing up your glutes, while you must ensure to land gently back on your feet. You can perform as many reps as possible in a minute.
If you last picked up a skipping rope during your childhood days, this low-impact workout will inspire you to start hopping again. It benefits in elevating the heart rate and inspires the lymphatic system from lengthy periods of just being seated. Alongside it also improves stability and co-ordination. Jumping rope comes from movement in the wrists instead of the elbows and shoulders. Begin with your feet being placed together, your shoulders being positioned back and down, and your hands by your sides holding each end of the rope. Tightening your core, consider jumping up with your feet together as you swing the rope, landing on your feet. You must continue the exercise without your heels touching the surface.
Begin the workout by standing with your feet being hip-distance apart. This must be followed by bending forward with hip hinge movement and placing your hands on the floor, walking them forward till you reach a high plank position. You must gradually lower your body towards the mat till your torso and hips touch the mat and your elbows point back at 45 degrees. While you do so, your core, glutes and quads must be kept tight. Gently press your hands into the ground to thrust your body back up into a high plank position. This must be followed by walking your hands back to your feet to stand.
This variation doubles as a stretch and one can effortlessly transform it by twisting both knees as an alternative to extending the opposite leg. To perform this exercise, you must lie supine (face-up) on a workout mat and must ensure to draw your fingertips to your temples. By extending your right leg on the ground you must slowly bend your left leg, positioning your left ankle on your right knee. Draw your back and shoulders off the mat in order to crunch your upper body. Alongside, you must consider getting your torso towards your knees and elevating your legs off the mat in a figure-4 position. To advance, you can consider twisting by drawing your right elbow towards your left knee. Perform this move for about thirty seconds before you alternate legs.
Just when you thought going on a holiday seems to be a long distant dream, it’s time for you to pack your bags with tins, books and old CDs. To perform this exercise, you must squat gently to pick it up and ensure you support through your core and then walk, while keeping your back even and straight. You must consider starting the workout gradually and then must add weights slowly. If you have dumbbell or kettlebell at home you can hold one in each hand and walk while engaging your core. The Primary focus of this exercise is to strengthen your core which may lead to an abridged back discomfort, proper balance, and improved flexion, extension, and rotation of your trunk. When performed correctly, the farmers carry will strengthen the muscles in your forearms, biceps, triceps, upper and lower back, shoulders, trapezius, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. The workout also ensures your finger grip strengthens drastically. You can also perform this exercise by carrying the load at a front rack position or an overhead rack position to make it even more challenging.
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