Strangest Wedding Traditions From Different Parts of The World

No. 2 is #BIZARRE (and involves covering the poor couple in flour and feathers)!

Mar 21, 2018

In Yemen, the father of the groom throws raisins on the ground for the guests to collect. Raisins symbolize happiness for the happy couple.

Crying is pre-planned a month before in Chinese weddings. The bride is trained to cry for about an hour each day for a month, before the wedding day. The female family members of the bride call her close friends and ask them to join her for crying practices.

Weddings could be a pretty expensive affair in a communist state like Cuba. To collect enough money and sponsor a honeymoon, the guests at the wedding do a money dance where every man that joins the bride for a dance pins money to her dress.

German newly-weds showcase their strength and compatibility by sawing a log together hours after they're pronounced man and wife.

We might think it's totally normal, but ask others around the world and they'll be fascinated by India's steal-the-groom's-shoes wedding tradition. You know, where the bride's sister and friends steal the groom's shoes and then blackmail him into giving them money.

In Korea, the groom has to carve and paint a wooden duck as a present for his mother-in-law to impress her.

Before a Russian wedding takes place, the groom has to go to the bride's family members and ask for her hand. He has to offer money, give presents and perform dares like singing and dancing to prove his keenness to marry the girl.

Some parts of Scotland have the happy couple liquored up and covered with flour and feathers. This tradition popularly known as the 'Blackening Ceremony' is believed to scare off the evil spirits and bring positive energies into the life of the newly weds.

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