10 Things You Should Be Doing Differently to Lose Weight in Your Thirties

Trust us... we understand that the struggle is real AF.

Feb 13, 2019

Let's face it, losing weight is HARD, no matter what age you are at. For starters, food and other temptations are readily available to us at every turn. Then, there is the fact that working out requires time and effort, whereas staying at home and binging on food and Netflix just seems easier. And lastly, weight loss results take time and patience — something that is very difficult to come by in today's times. 

As if losing weight wasn’t hard enough already, science says that the older you get, the harder it is for you to not only maintain and build muscle, but also to burn fat. Even more difficult is the flood of new and greater responsibilities with growing families and job promotions that get in the way of your once routine spin classes and planning your healthy meals. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Trust us, if you are in your 30s, we are going through the exact same struggle as you RN. But worry not, if you think all that you future consists of is whacky diet plans and hard to do icky juice cleanses, think again! Not only are these crash fads difficult and hard to follow, they are also mostly ineffective for long term results. Instead, we give you 10 simple points to keep in mind for to lose weight as you grow older. Start incorporating these easy changes to peel off the pounds post the big three- O.

1.Eat more protein at breakfast: 

We all tend to have a slower metabolism as we age, and one way to fight that is to develop more muscle mass by fuelling our bodies with protein. Breakfast is one meal where sticking to protein is extremely important and beneficial, as it also keeps your full and more satiated all day. So, turn to eggs, lean meats and yogurt and nuts in the mornings to get furled up that right way.

2.Ditch the artificial sweeteners:

While this one might seem like the opposite of what you think you should do, it holds very true. According to Yale researchers, consuming artificial sweeteners can actually increase your sweet cravings and lead to excess calorie intake. When you eat something that tastes sweet, your brain thinks it’s getting something high calorie. When no calories are provided it causes your body to seek them elsewhere. Artificial sweeteners are sometimes  300 to 600 times sweeter than real sugar and, as a result, send your brain and body into a sweet-seeking frenzy and may actually cause you to overeat later. Same goes for diet drinks as well, which also add zero nutrition FYI.

3. Eat every few hours:

It's important to keep your metabolism up and feeling your body with smaller, nutrient rich foods every 2-3 hours is the best possible way to do that. Even though it sounds very time consuming, carrying healthy snacks like nuts and trail mix in your bag when you go to work can be used as mini-meals in between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

4. Lift more weights:

Studies show that physically inactive people lose about 3-5 percent of their muscle mass per decade. Bearing in mind that we are living a mostly sedentary lifestyle, fitness trainers say that the loss of muscle is one of the biggest obstacles you face as you get older. One of the best ways to combat that is by lifting heavier weights, and doing so more often in your workout regime.

5.Keep up the cardio:

Even though you’ve upped your strength training, it’s still important to keep cardio in the mix because exercise increases our metabolism. 150 to 220 minutes a week is the minimum amount of cardio you need to do to keep your body burning fat more effectively. 

6. Cut back on the alcohol:

From date nights to catching up with friends, alcohol manages to slip into our daily regimes more and more post 30. Every outing or celebration tends to involve drinks, and while a drink or two post work might feel like an amazing way to de-stress, the calories do all add up. Our advice? Stick to drinking 1-2 nights a week and cut your consumption by half to see a visible difference in your weight loss goals.

7. Drink more water:

Less alcohol and more water is one of the simplest ways to speed up your weight loss results at any age, especially as you get older. According to a study published in the journal obesity, drinking 16 ounces of water before meals can lead to greater weight loss, as the water fills you up and helps increase feelings of fullness, causing you to eat less and curb cravings.

8. Don't eliminate entire food groups:

While cutting carbs and dairy might have been a good idea to shed quick weight in your twenties, it gets a little trickier as you grow older. Completely eliminating certain food groups can lead to deficiencies that actually make it harder to lose weight and negatively impact your health, so stick to a more sustainable and healthy balanced diet and watch your calorie intake instead.


Your life becomes a lot more hectic and full of responsibilities as you grow older, and stress and tension is one of the biggest causes of weight gain. Yoga, breathing or mindfulness, whatever your jam is, make sure you make some time in your day to care for your mind and state of being as well.

10. Have some fun with it:

Don't turn weight loss into a never-ending chore, make it a fun part of your life instead. Embrace trendy tech gadgets like Fit-bits, go for fun outdoor activities, plan some healthy dinners and call friends, go dancing, these are a few of the options to stay active and healthy in a more relaxed and creative way. 


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