5 Ways to Deal With an Unfaithful Partner

Over 10,000 women reveal how they handled cheating in their romantic relationships and their answers will surprise you!

May 25, 2021

Romantic relationships are not easy especially if you suspect that your partner is being unfaithful.

According to a survey by Gleeden, a dating app, there is a difference between when a romantic partner is harmlessly flirtatious and when there is serious infidelity at play. On the basis of responses from 10,000 female Gleeden users across the nation, here are their findings:

Do not jump to conclusions

You cannot judge a book by its cover. Nor can you characterise someone as unfaithful on the basis of a flirtatious and extroverted personality. Speaking from their experience, a whopping 46.25 per cent of Gleeden users believe that being patient is the best way to go forward in a relationship. Rather than engaging in impulsive accusations, it is better to gauge their intentions with a level-headed conversation.

Play it cool

The very first thing you should do after knowing his intention is to stay poised. More than half (51.12 per cent) of the women in the survey believed that self-control is the best way to handle the situation. So, if your partner admits to the infidelity or passes it off as casual flirtation, make sure to express how you feel about the situation in a level-headed way. Whether you decide to break up or make it work, always keep your cool because your happiness is not dependent on your partner's actions. 

Pick your words carefully

While being cheated on can make you feel very upset, address the issue once you have calmed down. An accusatory tone can make your partner defensive and deprive you of closure. Words can do irreparable harm to your relationship and 41 per cent of the users have voted for the same. Even in the case of an argument, words should be chosen wisely with a milder tone.

Do not trust blindly

Trust is the backbone of every relationship but be careful of being too generous with it too. Most of the users of the app, about 40 per cent, believe that one should always keep both their eyes open in a relationship. This does not mean that you are to be distrustful of every lover. Just be alert and do not trust blindly. 

Confrontations are important

A majority of women have responded that communication is key to make a relationship work after infidelity. So, create dialogue and express what you have noticed so far and how it feels to be in your position. The golden rule is to not be accusatory and end the conversation with a solution that benefits both parties. About 44 per cent of Gleeden users state that many relationships end due to a lack of communication among the partners.

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