9 Reasons Why Your Teenage Friendships are So Important

1. They're proof that people WILL stick around

Mar 21, 2018

There's something about finding your best friends when you're a teenager that makes the whole friendship 10x more intense than it would be in any other age bracket.

For anyone out there who overlooks just how important and long-lasting your teenage friendships can be, here are nine reasons why the pals you have when you're a teen can completely change your life.

1. They're proof that people WILL stick around through the worst. 

If you found people who could cope with your 14-year old self, the future's got to be bright.

2. They can completely change the course of your life.

Picking the wrong people to hang out with can be disastrous, whereas picking the right people can encourage you to accomplish all kinds of things.

3. They'll make you realise your self-worth.

There's no-one better placed to tell you that that guy who treats you like crap is no good for you. Eventually, you'll listen to your friends.

4. Speaking of which, they'll have a moderate influence in your dating life.

Nobody follows *every* single scrap of their friends advice, but whether your friends likes your boyfriend or not is undeniably important.

5. They'll be more intense than any friendship before or after.

There's something about navigating your teen years together that deepens the bond between people.

6. They'll be the people you talk about when you're 85.

Pick your friendship group wisely, because they'll completely dominate all your memories of your teenage years.

7. They'll tell you flat-out if you're being a knob.

The great thing about growing up together is that nobody's afraid to hurt your feelings, if necessary. A bit of tough love every now and then is pretty important.

8. They're the only friends capable of becoming honorary family members.

Nobody else would be comfortable enough strolling into your house and discussing Orlando Bloom's naked peen with your mum.

9. And finally, they have enough experience of you to know what you're really like.

There's no hiding it. They know pretty much everything about you, and they still think you're alright.

So, there.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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