Here's How You Can Find Comfort in Food When You're Moody AF

We have the solution to your five major mood swings. Cuz let's face it, food is the answer to errything.

Apr 19, 2018

I'm sure we have all had one (or many) of those days. You know, the ones where everything seems to be going wrong and you just cannot control your mood or the way you feel. Well, we might have the perfect cure(s) for you and let's just say it's delicious!

Food, it seems, is the answer to all our problems yet again. After all, our bodies and our emotions are linked together, making us crave foods that evoke comfort and nostalgia when we are sad.

We might often think that junk food and bingeing is the solution to a bad day, but it's not. It might give you a quick sugar fix or rush, but it will end up in a crash. In fact, we should be even more careful about what we eat as junk food only increases inflammation and irritates the gut, causing us to increase those feelings.

So, the next time you are cranky, moody or just plain down in the dumps, we have the expert approved answer to make you feel better. Here are the foods that will help you combat your five major mood swings.

1.When you are having a 'sad' day: We all know that feeling of reaching for the nearest candy bar or doughnut when down and out, but this only leads to a blood sugar spike followed by a crash, making your feel even worse after. It's better to consume something naturally sweet and full of fibre like dark berries, nuts, meals with leafy vegetables(think spinach and kale) and whole grains like quinoa. These take longer to digest and help boost serotonin levels which help make that sad feeling go away.

2. When it's 'that' time of the month: When aunt flow comes to town, the cramping, bloating and headaches can sometimes make life very, very hard(we know). Eating hormone balancing foods that are high in magnesium such as raw cocoa, avocados and almonds can help. A baked salmon fillet, zucchini, spinach and goat-cheese all provide healthy fats and vitamins that help as well.

3. When you are a stressed out mess: Green tea with a squeeze of honey and lemon and some deep breathing can help get the stress factor under control. Best to avoid caffeine as our body releases 'fight or flight hormones' that make us feel even more anxious when stressed. Walnuts, broccoli or a lovely cup of oolong or herbal tea can go a long way in helping us feel better.

4.When you are so angry you could blow your top off: A fight with a friend, a work issue or a bad breakup may leave us feeling mad, sad and ready to binge our way through life. However, it's the best time for us to consume quick and easy snacks that will help give the body the nutrients to calm down. Almonds, bananas, and apple with peanut butter or even an egg can be our best option, so step away from the burger please!

5. When you are so short of 'zzzz' that you feel depressed: A lack of sleep can cause a sense of feeling low and bummed out. Foods with a high level of choline such as egg yolks, salmon, grass fed animals, liver, chickpeas can help. It's also important to incorporate these foods into a meal that brings you joy and lifts your spirits.

So there you have it. You menu card for all your mood swings. Dare we say you might be feeling better already?

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