Here's What 2022 Has in Store For You, According to Your Zodiac Sign

The stars spell secrets about your future—will 2022 be *your* year? Read on to find out. 

Jan 21, 2022

Has the start of the new year delivered on the promise of fresh beginnings, novel hopes and fulfilment of resolutions? If yes, 2022 may just be *your* year. If not, wait it out; you never know what's in store for you. While no tool has been invented yet, one which can predict our future, astrology, and the alignment of celestial bodies, can offer a glimpse into what lies ahead. 

Will you witness hefty financial gains this year? Is betrayal on the cards? Will a hidden talent come to the fore? Celebrity astrologer, Pandit Jagannath Guruji, reveals the joys, trials and tribulations each zodiac sign may encounter this new year, just in a few words. *Crossing our fingers* 


Aries (March 21–April 19) 


During the first half of the year—particularly the period between January to July—you may come across hardships in your personal and professional life. However, after overcoming those detours, the latter part of 2022 will turn out to be exceptionally productive and positive for you. You will regain control over the happenings in your life and will have the opportunity to determine the outcome of a range of matters.


Taurus (April 20–May 20)


Taurus natives will continue to experience success as they enter 2022, just as they did towards the end of 2021. Persistent hard work will yield positive results on the career front, giving way to significant professional growth. After the first quarter of the year, things may get even better!


Gemini (May 21–June 20)


For Geminis, on the other hand, things aren't looking so bright. The year ahead may present you with challenges on the monetary and emotional front, so brace yourself.


Cancer (June 21–July 22)


Negative energies and the absence of certainty may trouble Cancerians this year. Remind yourself that nothing in life is permanent, and keep your spirits high! 


Leo (July 23–August 22)


Dear Leo, you will witness an abundance of changes this year—not to assume that all these changes will necessarily be unhealthy. 2022 has a great deal of happiness in store for you too! And, if you've been in a steady relationship, who knows, marriage may be on the cards. 


Virgo (August 23–September 22)


In the domains of relationship, career, health and well-being, you're all sorted, Virgo. But beware, you may undergo an emotional battle concerning specific matters in your life. 


Libra (September 23–October 22)


A sense of depression and a peak in stress may bother you this year, Librans. To begin with, you need to start thinking clearly and responsibly, with the goal in mind that the remainder of your year passes wonderfully.


Scorpio (October 23–November 21)


Dear Scorpio, keep your emotions and enthusiasm in check to pass the rest of the year peacefully. Also, be cautious when helping those in need, you never know what their intentions may be. 


Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)


Sagittarians, do not take on too much stress over any monetary or well-being related issues. Those of you who decide to balance your energies across all domains of life, you will reach great heights and make surprising accomplishments this year. 


Capricorn (December 22–January 19)


You will continue to be exceptionally driven as you set foot into 2022. Your positive outlook and optimistic approach will yield you beneficial results with regard to your education or career prospects. 


Aquarius (January 20–February 18) 


This year, you may find yourself resisting the spotlight. You rather take it easy and be on the sidelines, than be the centre of attention. So, instead, why not shift focus to your health? 


Pisces (February 19–March 20)


Whether you are wistful or need constant reassurance, this year, you might not think twice before making some important decisions. For some of you, a promotion at work may be on the cards, or a more rewarding job opportunity may present itself. 

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