How To Work Out At Home During Self Isolation

Don’t let Coronavirus mess with your fitness goals.

Mar 23, 2020

You have been under house arrest, thanks to Coronavirus and your fitness plans have gone for a toss. You can’t go to the gym or meet your trainer so there isn’t much that you can do…or so you think. There are various ways in which you can stay healthy and fit. And believe us your home can serve as a fun space for a little cardio or stretching the sore back muscles, yeah, we know you have been working from home! To help you shed those extra kilos accumulated from wallowing on the couch and to stretch and correct the back posture, Vesna Jacob, fitness expert, suggests a few workouts that you can do at home.

“If you are looking at losing weight then high intensity interval training is what I would recommend,” says Jacob. However, she cautions that if you are a beginner do 10 reps of each exercise. If you have been working out then “you can do intervals of 30-45 seconds with 10-15 seconds rest with 1 minute break in between a circuit. Do 2-3 sets,” she says. Jacob shows us the exercises that are part of the circuit and and another set of exercises for the back. Both can be combined or done separately. 

Mountain Climber

This should be done from a push up position or high plank position. Warm up the body before you get onto it. People with shoulder issues should be doing it from a slightly higher surface, like a bed which changes the angle. Move your legs towards your chest and repeat with the other leg.


Go as low as the body allows. Don’t go too low if you have knee issues.


It's a combination of a deep squat and jump. Go all the way down to the ground, then jump back into the push up position, then jump up. Deep squats is a strength oriented exercise while the other is cardio, when you combine the two you get a powerful mix.

Inverted V

Touch the toe with opposite hand. Repeat for both the toes. This is for shoulder, arm and core strength.

High Knees

This is part of athletic training. Depending upon your strength add a little jump while you bring your knee up to your chest. 

Exercises for back mobility 

The Table

Start with arms alongside the body, legs stretched out, toes flexed, and push yourself to end up resembling a table. As you reach the top position, tighten all the muscles in the body, glute in particular, hold till the count of 3 and in the same smooth manner go back to the starting position.

Cat and Dog Stretch

Go on all four. Round up the back focus on tucking the tailbone in, inhale the navel into the spine. As you exhale, arch the back only to the point you are comfortable, pull the shoulders away from the ears and look up as much as comfortable.


The Superman Stretch

Opposite knee and opposite elbow should touch each other. Round the back and as you exhale, extend both opposite arm and leg away from each other. Inhale when you are bringing it round and exhale as you straighten the body.


Inverted V and Prances

In the inverted V position, bend one knee while pushing the other heel to the ground. Repeat on the other side. It's a great stretch for the entire posterior chain and promotes back health. 


Location Courtesy: Vesna's Alta Celo, Delhi

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