​The Real Reason We Love Oral Sex, According To Science

Let's take it back to basics...

Mar 21, 2018

Why do you engage in oral sex? As foreplay or because you genuinely really like it?

Well, according to a recent study, it looks like there's a lot more science behind why we love oral sex than simply third base = fourth base.

We all know why we have an innate need to have penetrative sex – the evolutionary purpose of reproduction. But oral sex is slightly different according to the Journal of Reproductive Immunology.

Apparently… brace yourself for this one… the reason women like to give oral sex is because swallowing a man's semen can help their body become accustomed to his DNA.

This, in turn, helps the woman during pregnancy because her body will not see the fertilised semen as 'foreign', which is apparently the reason for many pregnancy disorders.

But obviously, you have got to want to swallow the semen in the first place for this to happen.

As to why men like to give oral sex, the findings revealed a seemingly shallower intention – to stop the woman from cheating. Yep, the study suggests that the more oral sex a woman received, the less likely she is to cheat.

Basically, men don't want anything to stand in the way of them being able to pass on their genes.

All very sexy, isn't it? 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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