These Are the Very Best Netflix Original TV Shows of 2019 (So Far)

AKA, the reason I have canceled most of my plans this year.

By Hannah Chambers
Jun 13, 2019

Netflix is kinda like Burger King in the sense that I will literally try anything they throw on the menu. Like, I was skeptical about chicken fries, but I've always trusted Burger King to give me greatness, so I tried (and loved) them. The exact same thing is true for literally any Netflix Original TV show. I'm like, Oh? Netflix is serving me a new original show? Let's binge it as quickly as humanly possible. Except, instead of having to unbutton my pants at the end, I end up spending hours scrolling through Reddit fan theories. are the very best Netflix Original TV shows we've seen so far in 2019.

'The Society'

A group of high schoolers get stranded in a world that looks just like home...but really, really sucks. They have to totally fend for themselves because there are no adults, WiFi, or cell phone data. (A world with only green text bubbles is a true dystopian nightmare.)


'Russian Doll'

Nadia (Natasha Lyonne) is stuck in a loop where she keeps dying and waking back up at the exact same moment of her own birthday party. It's so dark...but SO funny.


'Black Mirror'

Black Mirror, AKA the show that makes you want to move to a deserted, technology-free island, dropped its fifth season this year. Obviously, it was equal parts amazing and horrifying. (Wait...speaking of a tech-free you think The Society has any vacancies?)

'When They See Us'

Ava DuVernay's limited series about the true story of the Central Park Five is really difficult to watch. But it's also really important to watch. Seriously, stream this one ASAP.

'Dead to Me'

Dead to Me is right up your alley if you're into dark comedies about murder. are. Because we all are. This is basically a perfect television show, and it is not up for debate.


'The Umbrella Academy'

Besides the fact that The Umbrella Academy is based on a graphic novel by Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance, this show is filled with tons of ridiculous surprises that you won't be able to stop talking about. It's about a bunch of kids who are randomly born to women who showed zero signs of pregnancy until the day before (uh, nightmare?) and then adopted by a bajillionaire who trains them into superheroes.


'Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes'

Uh...this was some of the creepiest television I have ever watched. Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes took hours of unreleased footage of serial killer Ted Bundy, and blew our minds with tons of brand new information about his terrible case.


'Sex Education'

Honestly, Sex Education should be required viewing for every living human because A) it's hilarious and B) it will teach you about all of the things you really should have learned as a high school student, and probably still want to know about now!


'Queer Eye'

The third season of Queer Eye is essentially a ray of sunshine just beaming out through your TV screen. Somehow, this show gets better every season. I think my eyes are still kind of puffy from crying over the Jones Sisters episode?


An extremely polarizing honorable mention:


What/If is either the best show Netflix has ever given us...or the worst show Netflix has ever given us. I really can't decide. Either way, it...exists, and is something you should maybe watch.


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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