​Turns Out Flossing Isn't Quite as Healthy as We Thought

We've all been lied to!

Mar 21, 2018

It's a truth universally acknowledged that if you want to avoid gum disease and a mouth full of fillings you should floss daily right? Wrong. What we've been made to feel so guilty about not doing for all these years isn't as good for us as we thought. I knew I was right to be suspicious of dentists.

In what BuzzFeed are calling 'the biggest journalism scoop of the decade', the Associated Press (AP) have found that despite years of study "there's little proof that flossing daily actually works." Say what?

As it turns out while governments, dentists and (obviously) manufacturers of floss have been pushing the benefits of daily flossing since the 1900s, the evidence is "weak" and "very unreliable." This hasn't stopped the practice, however, being included for years in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; guidelines that must be based on scientific evidence. We've all been lied to!

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We have a tip from within the dental industry to thank for relieving us from our flossing failure guilt. It was first mentioned to reporter Jeff Donn by his son's orthodontist- a whistle blower with very straight teeth I assume.

Donn then asked the departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture for their evidence and suddenly, this year, when the latest dietary guidelines were published, flossing had, like our good intentions when it comes to using it, disappeared.

As it happens, the government contacted Donn the very next day to say "we haven't found [any evidence for flossing] because the committees that do the research never researched floss." *collective gasp of shock*

If you can pick your mouth up off of the floor, there's more. When the AP looked into the past decade's most rigorous flossing research, findings were of "very low" quality, carried "a moderate to large potential for bias" and the majority failed "to demonstrate that flossing is generally effective in plaque removal."

Even the studies conducted by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology were found to have used outdated methods or tested few people. One merely "tested 25 people after only a single use of floss". Are you kidding me?

There are still, perhaps unsurprisingly, individuals within the industry who still think flossing is a good idea but I don't think I'll be suffering from not-flossing guilt anytime soon. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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