10 Times Elle Woods Taught Us How to #WinAtLife

…while wearing pink!

Mar 21, 2018

​Like when the 'love of your life' dumps you, don't keep moping. Do everything you can to win him back.

Using the fact that you're different and have 'diverse' interests could actually work in your favour. We're not suggesting that you send in a video application in a bikini like she did, but take some inspiration.

When your ex boyfriend's new fiancée pulls one over you (like tells you it's a costume party but it really isn't), you get even!

Create your own personal space equipped with everything you need. It'll help with the 'I'm so going to kick your *ss plan'.

Personalise your resume. Pink and scented may be a bit of a stretch, but you get the drift.

Experiences from your own life may just help you figure out a problem. Use them. Case in point: when Elle figures out the daughter was lying because of her excessive knowledge about haircare. Booyah!

Forget what your friends or your boyfriends think. If you want to get somewhere, you need to get the teachers or your boss to notice you. So stop being shy and speak up!

You may be the dumbest girl in class, but people outside your class don't know that. So just play along. If a little legal jargon helps your BFF get her pet pooch back, what's the harm?

Never ever break promises. If you need to betray a friend to achieve your goal, DON'T DO IT. When you win without breaking her promise, she'll definitely be buying you the shots.

 And finally…your clothes don't define you. Show people that you're more than qualified and they won't care if you're wearing black, pink, or even a Big Bird costume!

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