5 Simple Ways To Curl Your Hair Without Heat

Big, bouncy curls without damaging your hair!

Mar 21, 2018

Something about long, luscious, curly hair just makes you feel ultra glam... and everyone loves glam! #YASSSSS

But unless you are born with thick, bouncy locks, you have to use a lot of heat to achieve the curls of your dreams, which can be extremely damaging to the natural hair. Lucky for us straight-hair-gals, there are a few ways to curl the hair without using any heat!  Check out our top 5 below! 

1) Bun it up 
If you want soft, loose curls, look no further! Beauty vlogger, Cynthia Kamenos's method to achieve the perfect curls is to tie all the hair back in a tight bun and leave up for 4-5 hours. One you let the hair down, it will turn into a gorgeous twist, which you can brush out into soft curls! 

[youtube ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ydgYmogGg[/youtube]

2) Mini buns
For all of us with short hair, beauty vlogger, Jalessa Moses uses the 'mini bun' technique to achieve tight, fun curls. The best part? This is so easy to do!

[youtube ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK1KAMr1UBw[/youtube]

3) A little help from the noodles!
The hair 'noodles' have been around for a looong time, and this is the go-to heatless curls trick for beauty vlogger, MakeupbyLeina. She shows us how to easily apply hair noodles to get perfect curls in minimal time! 

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KgxdStwgu0[/youtube]

4) Pin it up!
If you want full, defined curls, try Mini's method of pinning it all up! This method is sure to give you the perfect spiral curls that we are obsessed with! 

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcU4NvuyP2E[/youtube]

5) Thank the headband! 
If you are looking for the easiest way to get the perfect beach waves, check out Vivian's method of using a headband! It's all about twisting and wrapping your hair in a headband and waking up to effortless waves! 

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLL_gKzmMik[/youtube]

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