15 Foods You Better Be Eating If You Want Flat Abs

Think you can crunch your way to a bikini-ready midsection? If only.

Mar 21, 2018

Capsaicin, which gives peppers their kick, boosts metabolism, Raimo says. Peppers also supply a healthy dose of Vitamin C. And those who consume enough C (65 to 90 milligrams per day, or the amount found in one red chili pepper) have been found to have a lower body mass index and burn 30 percent more fat during exercise, according to research performed at Arizona State University.

Sure, it's been a "diet" snack for decades, but yogurt 2.0 — in the form of all-natural Greek yogurt — packs three big benefits. The journal Obesity reports that calcium intake (each cup of Greek yogurt has 15 percent of what you need in a day) has been linked to less abdominal fat. Yogurt is full of probiotics, and probiotic intake is associated with lower levels of belly fat, too, say Japanese scientists. Plus, the protein (16 grams per cup) keeps you satisfied for hours.

"Though they may bloat you at first, these nutritional gems offer protein and fiber, which will help you feel full longer," Raimo says. "As an added bonus, researchers have also found that those who eat beans have less of a risk of colorectal cancer." Wake Forest researchers have another reason for you to crack open a can: A 10 gram increase in soluble fiber intake results in a 3.7 percent decrease in the dangerous visceral fat (the kind that's near your internal abdominal organs). Hit that 10-gram mark by noshing on a cup of black beans, a cup of brussels sprouts, and an orange.

Not all fats are created equal. "Coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides that boost thermogenic capacity — in other words, the amount of calories you burn while digesting a food," Raimo says. Blend a spoonful into your smoothie, or try adding a dash to your pan before sauteeing vegetables or browning pancakes.

This low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable contains the phytonutrient sulforaphane, "which can stimulate a pathway that reduces fat cells," Raimo says. Try it in place of refined carbs like rice, pasta, or white flour pizza crusts, or simply dip in hummus for a nutritious snack.

"This anti-inflammatory spice contains curcumin, which has been shown to improve insulin resistance, cholesterol levels, and other symptoms linked to obesity. Insulin resistance makes it harder for your body to lose weight," Raimo says. Sprinkle turmeric onto vegetables before roasting.

Lean protein is ace for muscle-building, and seafood is an excellent source (each 5-ounce serving of salmon has 39 grams) with oceans of added benefits. For one, it's full of polyunsaturated fats, which are less likely to increase liver fat and belly fat compared to the polyunsaturated fats found in palm oil and beef, says a study in the journal Diabetes.

Get brewing: Consuming four cups of this caffeine and antioxidant powerhouse boosts metabolism and may help you burn 100 calories per day, says a review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Multiple studies have proven that when diet and exercise are kept consistent and tea is the only variable, abdominal fat decreases.

"This nutrient-dense green offers plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential in the fat-burning process," Raimo says. A cup of cooked kale also contains three grams of fiber, which helps you feel satisfied and aids in digestion, as does the vegetable's high water content.

Both Mediterranean diet staples are high in monounsaturated fats, Raimo says. "Olive oil has polyphenols which can help protect the body from disease, while olives have a bit of fiber, making them a good snack choice or salad topping." The journal Diabetes Care reports that a diet high in monounsaturated fat might help you store less fat around the midsection — even if you don't cut calories.

Cure your sweet tooth the all-natural way with this colorful root vegetable, Raimo suggests. "Sweet potatoes are full of vitamin A, potassium, B vitamins, and fiber," a combo pack of nutrients that are health-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and appetite-squashing. Compared to other root vegetables, these pretty potatoes fall low on the glycemic index, a rating of how much blood sugar spikes after eating. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that a low-glycemic diet translates to a lower risk for obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

Japanese scientists have found that the acetic acid in vinegar can reduce the risk for obesity and excess liver fat, all while improving the way the body responds to sugars and decreasing waist size. Trade in your standard ranch salad dressing for vinegar and oil to score all of these benefits — plus less fat and fewer calories.

Sure, it's easy to forget about H2O since it's available straight from the tap all day, every day, but make it a priority for hydration, satisfaction, and a better, stronger workout. "The old adage of having eight eight-ounce glasses a day doesn't fit everyone, and for some, is hard to achieve. I tell my clients to aim for about half their weight in ounces of water per day [so 75 ounces for a 150-pound woman], especially while actively trying to lose weight and working out," Raimo says. Don't sweat about it being chilled if you prefer room temperature water. The tip to drink ice-cold bevvies to burn more calories results in a negligible seven-calorie difference per glass, Swiss researchers have found, or the equivalent of two Altoids.

It's not just for bodybuilders. If you're trying to lose weight while exercising, pound a protein shake with breakfast. You'll lose more body fat and maintain more lean muscle mass than if you got the calories from other sources, says research in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism. Whey protein helps shrink your waistline and lower body fat levels more than carbohydrate and soy supplements, according to The Journal of Nutrition.

From amaranth to farro to wild rice, these fiber-packed carbohydrates are skinny superheroes. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition placed obese adults on a 12-week diet. Half of the participants were told to make all starches whole grains and follow the reduced-calorie program, while the other half were simply told to stick to the low-cal plan. Those on the whole grain track lost a greater percentage of body fat from the midsection and net more of the cardiovascular disease foes fiber and magnesium.

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