15 Terrified Kittens that Are Absolutely Relatable

Because kittens get it.

Mar 8, 2018

When you're hanging out with your friends and they bring up every embarrassing thing you did in college.

When you start an argument with someone but midway realize that you're wrong and now you can't do anything.

When you show a photo on your phone to your parents and they start swiping through the rest of your photos.

When you start remembering every wrong decision you've ever made.

When you see your wallet after a crazy night out with your friends and you feel the cold fingers of dread creeping up your spine.

When your mom makes you stand at the check out line at the store, to hold her place till she gets the brand of paper napkins she likes, and you don't have any money.

When you wake up to find that you have the hugest zit right at the center of your forehead and on top of that your hair start behaving as if they have a life of their own.

When somebody insults Harry Potter in front of you and you just collapse from the fear you have for humanity.

When you're alone at your house and you remember the time you saw The Exorcist 7 years ago.

When you dress up for a party you thought was a costume party but when you reach the venue, no one's dressed up.

When you sit for a family dinner and somebody asks you 'What are you doing in life?'

When your mom calls you with your full name and you suddenly imagine everything wrong that you've done in your existence.

When somebody tells you that Batman is not real.

When your moustache game is on point and someone points out that you're a cat.

When you realise that there are not going to be any more Harry Potter books.

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