15 Ways to Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home

Because nothing is worse than feeling bummed out in your own house.

Mar 21, 2018

The first step to moving negative air out of your home: "Open up all the windows and create a draft to let the air come through, even if it's freezing outside," says Silvia Christmann, Growth Coach and health and happiness guru. "Fresh Air is everything." While you're at it, shake out your pillows and blankets, too.

This fragrant smoke has long been a spiritual and meditation practice — so why not try it at home? Christmann says it'll help elevate the energy: "Nag champa is best used in a clean home for meditation as it's property creates a calm and serene atmosphere," she says.

Even though you've been meaning to get around to fixing that office chair, it might not be worth holding onto. "Broken things bring that stuck and negative energy into your home," says Anjie Cho, Feng Shui and holistic living expert and founder of Holistic Spaces.

If there's something about the smell of oranges that reminds you of smiles and sunshine, you're not alone. "Not only does it clear the negative energy, but it uplifts your mood," says Cho. "You can diffuse drops into water or use an organic essential oil spray."

Yes, there's a reason you feel so good after you clear off your counter. "Objects retain lots of energy and physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually block our 'path' forward," says Maureen Calamia, a re-nature Feng Shui consultant. Oh, and did we mention clutter makes you feel tired and stressed, too?

A popular Native American technique for removing bad energy is lighting sage, then blowing out the flame. "The smoke is what you will use to clear your home," says Calamia. "I always start at the front door and work my way around in clockwise direction." After "smudging" the entire home, visualize your intentions for your home as the smoke filling every crevice.

Sadly, you can't just pick out your favorite color for this practice. "Black Touraline is known to ward off and dissolve negative energy," says Christmann."While Rose Quartz replaces negative emotions and feelings with positive ones." She recommends keeping them close to electronic devices if possible.

It sounds almost too simple, right? "Just give [your bell] a ring in each corner of the room and in your doorway," says professional psychic, Melissa Mattern. Then, set the intention in your mind for the sound waves to move the bad energy out, and the good energy in.

Color plays a pivotal role in your home. And, according to interior designer Ana Zuravliova, yellow neutralizes bad energy. "From an interior design viewpoint, this color will also make your space appear bigger and add a warm tone to a room," she says.

To absorb the negative energy of previous owners, the experts at Energy Muse recommend pouring salt into the four corners of your rooms, then letting it sit. After the 48 hours, either vacuum or sweep the salt and throw it away in the trash.

When someone purchases a new home, Colin T. McDonald, a NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, always recommends they clean and wipe down surfaces before moving their belongings into the home. "This will aid in removing any type of negative energy from the previous owner," he says.

One of the most important rules in Feng Shui is to remove as many sharp angles and edges around your home as possible. Zuravliova acknowledges this isn't easy, but says it's worth it: "Using round lampshades or decorating with circular objects, such as vases, jewelry boxes and round tables, will go a long way towards bringing positive energy into your home," she says.

To add positive energy (also known as chi) place mirrors around your home — but remember to avoid ones with sharp edges. "This will not only help you create more positive energy in your decor, but it will also help to cleanse the mind," says Zuravliova.

Think about it: Dark, rich colors are full of personality. But sometimes, when you're already overwhelmed by life, that's the opposite of what you need to create a relaxing environment. "Steer clear of anything dark that might feel negative and make spaces appear smaller than they actually are," says McDonald.

Doors and windows to the outside act as entrances for energy. To keep these areas purified, the experts at Energy Muse recommend filling up a bucket of water with lemon juice, salt and white vinegar, then wiping doorknobs and windows with your mixture. Afterwards, pour sea salt by all of your entrances and cover it with a doormat to prevent negative energy from entering.

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