The Hidden Meanings Behind Your 7 Most Common Dreams

#5 explains so much.

Mar 21, 2018

Losing your incisors indicates hidden anger, not bad oral hygiene. "When we repress rage, we tend to grit our jaw, which can grind down our teeth," Dr. Patricia Garfield, author of Creative Dreamingtold Woman's Day"The dream is warning you about it."

If your dreams emulate the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, you're hoping for real changes, says dream expert Michael R. Olsen. The hurry could symbolize a fear of missed opportunities, or difficulty meeting demands. 

The sensation of plummeting through space means something different for women than for men. "You feel like the ground is being cut out from underneath you," Garfield explains. "It's usually linked to a friend or husband who has let you down." 

Moving upward, however, alludes to liberation. Maybe you just solved a difficult problem or accomplished a major project. Either way, Garfield believes it's a good sign. 

Going mute stems from something much more physical. "This may not just be a dream, but the result of sleep paralysis," psychologist Dr. William Braun told Harper's BAZAAR. Our bodies usually prevent us from acting or moving while we doze, but this sensation means you're waking up before that safeguard shuts off.

No matter how old you get, this stress dream never goes away. Showing up to an exam unprepared probably means you're overextended in real life too, according to Garfield.

Braun believes it's all about the chaser, not the chase. An indiscretion, addiction or debt might manifest as a monster. If you recognize your pursuer, your associations with them offer more insight than the actual person. "Keep in mind, people in dreams can be substitutions for other people or even substitutions for aspects of ourselves," Braun says. 

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