10 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

This is Serious Stuff!

Mar 21, 2018

10 Signs you should quit your job

  1. The only thing that gets you through the day is sugar.
  2. You always have one eye on your e-mails and the other on Buzzfeed.
  3. You live for office gossip. Anushka from Marketing called off her engagement? That's enough to keep you going for a month.
  4. Trips to the cafeteria take up  90 percent of your day. Because you can't concentrate without tea.
  5. Mondays make you want to stab yourself in the eye. Fridays make you so happy you could kiss the weird looking office boy.
  6. People who say they 'love their job' make you throw up in your mouth a bit.
  7. You've got a resignation e-mail saved in your drafts; just in case. And you reword it on a daily basis.
  8. You've perfected your, 'I'm *cough* sick' voice, and go make-up free when you return to work to sell how *sick* you've been.
  9. Every time your boss calls your name you think: FML. Even when they're just making small talk with you at the lift.
  10. You've diagnosed yourself with a stomach ulcer from work stress. No, it's got nothing to do with all that sugar you ate.
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