10 Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know About Your Cervix

Because it's important to know your body inside and out.

Mar 21, 2018

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, so leading women's cancer charity The Eve Appeal is working hard to raise awareness of all five gynaecological cancers (yes, ​five:  ovarian, cervical, womb, vaginal and vulval). The Eve appeal wants to encourage women to #KnowYourBody and to be aware of the signs and symptoms of the five gynaecological cancers.

Because it's important to know your body inside and out, The Eve Appeal's Information Nurse, Tracie Miles helped give us the lowdown on everything we need to know about our cervixes:

1. Cervix is the Latin translation for neck of the womb. It produces mucus / discharge which changes day by day, and ends up in your pants.

2. During the first part of your menstrual month the cervix produces a thick mucus / discharge in order to protect you from infection. If this is clear in colour, it is of no concern as everything is as it should be. However, if it is yellow-ish in colour, the mucus 'is asking for help', recruiting polymorphs to fight off any germs. In the majority of cases, it's a normal, healthy response, but it's always important to get changes checked.

3. When an egg leaves your ovary on its way down the fallopian tube to the womb, you'll notice the mucus on your panty-liner changes – it becomes thinner – more of a river of friendship to welcome the sperm to swim up. Cute.

4. If you were to feel your cervix – which would involve putting fingers up to the top of your vagina - it feels like a small cotton reel.

5. The cervix can squeeze tightly to keep a growing baby in the womb – and can stretch to 10cm wide to let the baby's head and body come through for birth and then closes tightly. That's the bit they always talk about dilating (and not the actual vagina opening, as I genuinely once thought).

6. Doctors argue all the time (in other words they don't know), that there are no useful nerves in the cervix, which means it's unlikely that a woman can achieve an orgasm from stimulating the cervix during sex or masturbation.

7. Gynaecologists who remove the cervix as part of a hysterectomy for heavy periods tell us most women say that their sex lives are now better (although that may be because they no longer have heavy periods). However, women who have their cervix removed because of a cancer diagnosis may feel differently.

8. The problem with cervixes is that no two women are the same. For some women the cervix may be an erogenous zone (an area which can be stimulated), so it's important that healthcare professionals listen to a women's beliefs around her cervix.

9. Some women have no vagina or cervix at all – this is very rare condition known as Rokitansky syndrome, and affects approximately one in 5000 women every year.

10. When you attend your smear test, you may be told that there are non-cancerous changes to your cervix – but this is perfectly normal and below are three commonalities:

  • A nabothian follicle which is a small white pearl of mucus under the skin about 3-4mm – a bit like having a whitehead on the cervix.
  • A polyp – a skin tag on the cervix which can cause unpredictable bleeding. Treatment consists of simple removal of the polyp in an outpatient clinic.
  • An ectropion – this is where the cervix pouts exposing the inner skin, looks red and may worry a GP or nurse taking the smear test, but it's normal, particularly in young women on the pill.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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