14 Ways to Make Your Period Less Terrible

Screw you, Shark Week

Mar 21, 2018

1. Track it down

If you don't know when your period is coming, how are you going to prepare your body for battle beforehand? Apps like Clue and Period Tracker are hassle free to use and help you to keep tabs on your cycle, mood and skin problems, so you're aware of when they're likely to happen, and have the best chance of tackling them.  

2. Eat (dark) chocolate

It's not a myth! Chocolate is good for you when you're on your period, but only when it's the 70% cocoa kind. Not only does it encourage your body to release endorphins, to improve your mood, dark chocolate is high in magnesium, a mineral that's often associated with easing cramps. Eat 4 small squares or 2 big ones as a snack or dessert – as always, it's everything in moderation.  

3. Go bananas

It's always a good idea to eat fruit and veg – it's just that it's an especially good idea during your period. Bananas in particular are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium, which, like chocolate, reduces cramps, but also helps with that Michelin-man-esque bloating that most of us can't shift. 

4. Take vitamin E

According to a study conducted at Tarbait Modarres University in Iran, taking vitamin E significantly lowered the intensity of the period pain felt by their participants, and the group that took the supplements had a shorter duration of pain and blood loss than those who were taking a placebo as well. You can either take it in tablet form or eat foods that are rich in vitamin E, like nuts and leafy greens. 

5. Hot. Water. Bottles. 

Most people know that a hot water bottle can soothe cramps, but many don't bother because they underestimate the difference it can make. Research shows that the application of heat can 'actually deactivate the pain at a molecular level' – much in the same way as painkillers do. Bonus: boil the kettle once, get hot water for the bottle and a cup of tea simultaneously.

6. Cut down on salt

Chips, crisps, bacon, even soup – loads of truly delicious foods are loaded with more salt that you might expect, and they're not doing you or your period bloat any favours. Cutting out salt, as well as drinking plenty of water to flush out your system, will keep your stomach as flat as it's possible for it to be whilst the red devil is in your belly. 

7. Press the pain away

Some women report amazing success using pressure points to tackle period pain. Rub small o-shaped circles onto the fleshy part of your palm, or try holding just above your ankle bone, and then the area between your big and second two, one after the other, for 1-3 minutes. Both of these tricks are said to help relieve cramps – it might not work for everyone, but hey, it's not going to make it any worse…


8. Boost your iron intake

Hey, you know what blood is full of? Iron - which means during your period, your supplies are running pretty low. Eating foods like red meat, beans, spinach and fortified cereals will rebalance your iron levels, boost your energy and stop you from getting anemic. 

9. Move your body

Curling up in a ball in front of Netflix seems like the obvious choice, we know, but small amount of exercise can have an impact on both your mood and your pain levels – honest! Light walking, yoga, or riding a bike are great for when your period is actually here, but check out our guide to exercise for every stage of your cycle for a system you can follow all month. 

10. Give up drink

Not forever, we're not monsters – just when you period is still in town. Alcohol is a depressant, meaning your PMS symptoms might be worse, and it's harder to deal with a hangover when you're feeling hormonal too. It also dehydrates you, aaand it makes you more likely to indulge in unhealthy, salty foods like takeaways, which we've already established are opt-outs. 

11. Have sex

Orgasms are just god's gift to women, guys, and not just for obvious reasons. Coming during that time of the month can relieve cramps (and improve mood, funnily enough). As long as you and your partner are cool with it, period sex is totally safe and enjoyable. Oh, and vaginal orgasms are better for pain relief that clitoral ones, just FYI.

12. Preempt paracetemol

Get crampy every month without fail? Strategise by taking your pain relief tablets before the contractions usually strike. Taking paracetamol, ibuprofen or similar pre-emptively can reduce symptoms before they even happen, leaving you free to get on with, ya'know, everything that doesn't stop just because you're bleeding. 

13. Stick it to stains

Hey, accidents happen. Get bloodstains out of underwear, sheets etc by soaking the item in question in a bowl of cold, salted water asap. Leave it to soak for 3-4 hours, then rub the stain with detergent and wash as usual, and your favourite pants should be wearable again. 

14. Subscribe to a box of joy

Real talk: periods are always going to be a bit shit, regardless of how well you manage to deal with them. Treating yourself to a regular subscription box (popular options include Pink Parcel, Period Box and My Little Box), stuffed with food, beauty bits and the essential pads and tampons, isn't going to kill cramps or stop your flow, but it will cheer you up, and who couldn't do with a bit of that every month?

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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