20 Perfectly Accurate Disney Facial Expressions for Every Occasion

Oh, BEEN THERE my friend. Been. There.

Mar 21, 2018

​1. When you pretend your mate is more drunk than you

2. When he gets undressed for the first time

3. When you shave your legs for the first time after winter

4. When you realise you have 3 hours left at work

5. When everyone's having takeaway but you have no money

6. When the yoga teacher tells you to try a new position

7. When he wants to "Netflix and Chill"

8. When you have to admit to eating the last biscuit

9. When someone turns up wearing the same top as you

10. When you hear someone slagging off something you like

11. When bae likes another girl's selfie

12. When you realise you left your hair straighteners on at home

13. When someone just WON'T STOP having a go at you

14. When your best friend says exactly the same thing as you

15. When you use a hair oil and it feels AMAZING

16. When he finds the wrong hole

17. When the hangover just won't go away

​18. When you realise you shouldn't have said something

19. When you remember something embarrassing you did the night before

20. Every time you check your bank account

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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