22 Photos of Near Perfectly Symmetrical Breakfasts

It's the most important meal of the day, after all.

Mar 21, 2018

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​London-based photographer Michael Zee is one of those people able to function in the morning a good way past the bare minimum requirements necessary to make it to work wearing clothes and, on occasion, a smile. He cooks breakfast! Breakfast both for himself and his boyfriend Mark, and breakfast he serves up in perfectly symmetrical fashion day after day. 

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/5oVdOKj179/[/instagram]

"It is a declaration of love, really. I'm dedicated — both to breakfast and to Mark," Michael explained in a recent interview with British newspaper The Guardian, while acknowledging people do think he is "crazy" or "obsessive." I mean, really, the will power alone required to cook eggs that perfectly and then leave them uneaten for the time it takes to stage the photos is pretty major. Also, sometimes he actually starts his cooking the night before. Below, more photos of the meals in all their splendor, all of which make the cereal bar and molding banana some of us had for breakfast seem more than a little bit pathetic in comparison:

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[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/72aUKVj184/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/7SEEwpD1_b/[/instagram]

Dumplings for breakfast, SIGN ME UP.

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/3f4DZ3j12h/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/5tf0KJj13Y/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/8NS5D7D16e/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/5G2_g3D16k/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/9dJeasj11n/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/62iqFqj18L/[/instagram]

Note here that Champagne is being drunk at breakfast on a Wednesday, if you weren't already totally convinced that Michael and Mark are living their #BestLife.

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[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/-YmtWPD16b/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/48im1uD1xm/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/4tMt11D17R/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/4yMk5pj13D/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/8m_1Wrj16g/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/90oAIeD11z/[/instagram]

[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/8PxaQGD122/[/instagram]

This pastry canoe looks, wait for it, oar-some. OK, sorry, bye now; I just want to eat it.

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[instagram ]https://instagram.com/p/7KOU5pD18r/[/instagram]

Follow Alex on Twitter and follow Symmetry Breakfast on Instagram (except maybe not on an empty stomach). 

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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