3 Easy Exercises to Help You Stay Fit When You Have a Demanding Job !

Busy peeps, office workout is a thing you need to know (more) about!

Mar 21, 2018

1) Chair Lifts

Work those buttocks even while you're seated. Give them a stretch every now and then to stop your metabolism from slowing down. Sit comfortably in the center of your chair. Start lifting your leg off the ground and pull your knees towards your chest alternatively. Do a couple of reps for both legs.

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGZXSNJJxbg[/youtube]

2) Chair Squats

Tired of sitting on your virtual chair all day? Why not try the imaginary wall chair. Stand on your feet maintaining a shoulder width distance from a wall. Slowly with your lower back, mid back and shoulders against the wall. Turn 90 degrees with the lower limbs. Tuck your tummy in and flatten your back while moving away from the wall, making sure you're not holding your breath. You'll feel the tension in your thigh area which means you've stretched well.

[youtube ]https://youtu.be/_f9v15LMPio[/youtube]

3) Chair Twists

Moving around time to time during your work hours is extremely important to keep your metabolic rate in check. Twisting while sitting on a chair is an easy way to stay active and fidgety at work. Grab the handle of your chair with one hand on the right side of it with the other hand on the top. Twist your spine as you keep pulling yourself up. Do another rep by exchanging sides. Twisting 6-7 times is a great way to keep yourself energized in between your shifts.

[youtube ]https://youtu.be/jzptUWHlVqo[/youtube]

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With inputs from Ayesha Billimoria - Captain, Adidas Runners (Mumbai).

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