6 Easy Tricks to Stay in Shape This Holi Season

Cos we know how difficult it can be!

Mar 21, 2018

We all know that this Holi we're going to be swayed by the dozens of sweets and snacks and our summer diet will go out the window. It's the one day or maybe week for some, where we feel okay to indulge in all that food, and then regret it after.

Sooo, Mehar Rajput, nutritionist and dietician at Fitpass is here to save us! Here are her tips on how to stay fit and healthy this festive season.

  • Keep your calorie count in mind

Set a calorie limit for the day and keep a check on it. Step back when you feel like you're close to your daily limit. We think it's easier said than done!

  • Hydrate!

Drinking loads of water is the best way to stay full and ignore the extra calories we consume from sweetened drinks.

  • Don't overeat

Mehar says that it's better to just taste all the delicacies than to over-indulge in them. And that way you can have a little bit of everything!

  • Try small workouts

You have all probably put your gym memberships on hold until the Holi craze is over, but to compensate for that- fit in small schedules workouts that you can do in your room. Mehar suggests short, intense workouts with push-ups, crunches, planks, jumping jacks etc. really help.

  • Stick to the diet

Yes, sadly it's true. If you indulge in a cheat meal, go back to your diet for the next meal. It's a cheat meal, not a cheat day, as much as we wish that we didn't have to!

  • Plan out your day

A morning workout sets you up for the day and motivates you to stick to the plan. Also getting it out the way earlier makes sure you can enjoy the festivities in peace without the dread of hitting the treadmill after all that food.

With inputs from Ms. Mehar Rajput, nutritionist and dietician, Fitpass.

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