This 6-Move Workout Will Give You The Slimmest Arms Ever Without Lifting A Thing

No weights, no prob.

Mar 21, 2018

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The next time you slip on something sleeveless and wish you'd worked your arms at the gym, you can R-E-L-A-X and firm them up on the spot with this yoga-inspired four-minute circuit from certified fitness trainer Alex Silver-Fagan. Bonus: No dumbbells required. 

For the first five moves, perform as many reps as you can in 30 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. Then finish strong by performing the last exercise for 60 seconds straight. If you've got more than four minutes to spare, repeat the entire circuit up to three times, ideally at least twice a week for visible results.


1. Down Dog Hip Drop (30 Seconds) 

How to do it:​ ​Get into plank position and lift your hips up toward the sky as you move into downward-facing dog. Reach your left hand toward your right toes, then circle the left arm up overhead until your fingers are pointing toward your right heel. As the arm moves overhead, dip your right hip to come into a right-side plank with staggered feet, toes pointing left. Reach your left arm up and overhead to place the palm back in starting position as you square your hips to the ground. Repeat on the opposite side, reaching your right hand toward your left toes, then coming into a left side plank. Continue to alternate sides. 

2. Push-Ups (30 Seconds) ​

How to do it: ​Get into plank position with your wrists under your shoulders and your body in a straight line between the top of your head and your heels. Keeping your core engaged and spine neutral, bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the ground. Extend your arms to return to starting position and complete one rep. Continue, lowering to your knees if necessary. 

3. Forearm Plank to Dolphin Pose (30 Seconds) ​

How to do it: ​Get into a forearm plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, forearms parallel, and palms pressed into the ground. Keeping your core engaged and spine in neutral position, lift your hips straight up to the sky. Return to starting position with control to complete one rep. 

4. Plank Up-Downs (30 Seconds) ​

How to do it: Get into a forearm plank position with your shoulders stacked over your elbows, forearms parallel, and palms pressed into the ground. Place your right palm beneath your right shoulder and your left palm beneath your left shoulder, extending the elbows to come up into a hands plank position. With control, place your right forearm back to starting position, then the left forearm. Repeat, this time leading with the left side. Continue to alternate between hands and forearm planks, alternating lead side. 

5. Shoulder Tap to Side Plank (30 Seconds) ​

How to do it: ​Get into hands plank position with your shoulders stacked above your wrists and body in a straight line between the top of your head and your heels. With your left hand, tap your right shoulder, then open your body to the left as your reach your left hand straight up to the sky. Return to starting position, then repeat on the opposite side. Continue to alternate sides. 

6. Superman Swimmers (60 Seconds) ​

How to do it: ​ ​Lie facedown on a mat and reach your arms and legs, with toes pointed, to opposite corners a few inches above the floor. Without touching the floor, raise your right arm and left leg as you lower your left arm and right leg. Then raise your left arm and right leg as you lower your right arm and left leg. Continue to alternate. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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