6 Tips To Make Exercising On Your Period Easier

#3 really helps!

Mar 21, 2018

The last thing on our mind, when we're on our period is exercising! The image of the perfect 'bikini body' fades away when the crimson wave hits. All of a sudden your motivation is zapped and you just want to eat your bodyweight in food while binging on Netflix.

As horrible as the thought of exercising on your period sounds, at the end of it you'll feel far more productive than your usual self-pity and sofa curling cycle. Also the endorphin rush can actually improve your cramps and your mood.

Here are 6 tips to make period workouts a lot easier.

Try Pain Relief

Try popping a paracetamol 30 minutes before your workout, it might help you get away with the aching period cramps.

Dress Comfortably

Don't let the fear of staining your gym gear keep you from rocking your new hot AF leggings and sports bra combo. Change your tampon/pad before your session, and just for safety, wear darker colours or longer t-shirts, or even try adding extra layers like shorts over your leggings.

Change up your routine

Your hormones affect your energy levels. On your first day, your estrogen and progesterone have dropped, making your carbohydrate/glycogen fuel stores easily accessible.

The first day is actually perfect for getting the most out of high intensity workouts- enroll in a spin class or a boxing class to let out all your stress. Which also means more after-workout carbs- big bowl of pasta FTW!


Drinking less water will definitely not help with water retention- for those of you swearing by this myth. You actually need to be drinking more during your period to flush everything out and keep your digestive system functioning as normally as possible. Try cutting down on salt and caffeine to minimize the bloating instead.


Enroll in a yoga class to stretch out those tense muscles, but also remember to stretch after any other form of exercise too. Moves including stretching facedown can sooth cramps. Or like we believe, get our partners to stretch us out instead.

Listen to your body

Despite the above, taking three days off a month is not going to have a massive impact on your overall fitness. You can still eat right, get plenty of sleep and go for a walk to get some fresh air.

Or like our girl, J-Law says- If anyone even tries to whisper the word diet, they can go f**k themselves.

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