Can You Tell Which Items On This Table Are Real?

This video will make you question everything.

Mar 21, 2018


A YouTube video uploaded by visual artist 'Brussup' starts out with what looks like a regular table full of stuff. There's a red Solo cup sitting on a piece of notebook paper, a picture frame with a photo of a cat, a camera, a Rubik's Cube, a mirror, a baseball cap and some strewn photographs.

But only one of the items is actually three dimensional. The rest are just printed on pieces of paper, but somehow look incredibly 3D.

The video zooms in on the items one by one revealing the fakes. First up: the red cup. Looks totally real. They zoom in on the shadows on the notebook paper and everything.


We won't spoil the ending for you. But proceed at your own risk. Your eyeballs and brain will hurt after watching. 

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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