Could Your Cellphone Be Giving You a Brain Tumour?

Drop that call, now!

Mar 21, 2018

In a new and extremely frightening segment of a study, scientists at the National Institutes of Health​ have discovered ​that there's increase in the risk of brain tumours with the extended use of cellphones. The study exposed rats to mobile phone radiation from the womb for a period of nine hours a day, for two full years at the beginning of their lives.

Granted, tumours were only found in 2-3 percent of the male rats post the experiment, but it was enough to cause concern and spur further research. Oddly, though, the female rats remained totally unaffected.

Interestingly, Dr Otis Brawley, the American Cancer Society's chief medical officer​, thinks it's not nearly as much of a concern as people are making it out to be. "If cellphones cause cancer, they don't cause a lot of cancer," he said, to the media. 

He, in fact, warned people to be more cautious about deaths caused by "distraction by the cellphone", which in his opinion, is a cause worth worrying about. 

However, the disclaimer that these results are currently in the budding stages–and the full results are yet to be released. There's been some criticism, though, from other NIH scientists who think the study is similar to others that insinuate a certain problem without fully proving it. 

The results were preliminary, and only part of what will ultimately be released.

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