Disabled Twin Girls Adopt Disabled Dog For Christmas and Our Hearts Just Exploded

The sweetest thing you'll see all day.

Mar 21, 2018

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUWLVBELnqM[/youtube]

Tiana and Giana Johnson, ten-year-old legally blind twins, had one gift on their Christmas list this year: a disabled dog. (OK, see, I'm already crying.)

When asked why they wanted a disabled dog, Tiana responded, "Because I'm very different in school. I'm the only one who walks with a cane and I wondered if I got a disabled dog, she would know the same feeling."​

The two got their wish in the form of loving pit bull, Carmella. Carmella's front legs are permanently bent because some asshole kept her in a crate too much. 

Now, the girls and Carmella have each other and it's just too much for my heart to take. Seriously, watch this entire video if you want to feel good about humanity this holiday season. (Then, go to Target the day after Christmas if you want to be reminded that humans are monsters! Yin and Yang, my friends.)

Follow Laura on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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