The Disney Costumes This Dad Makes for His Kids Are Next Level Incredible

Pure magic.

Mar 21, 2018

​It may only be June, but I'm pretty sure Nephi Garcia is already a major contender for Father of the Year. 

The 32-year-old fashion designer, husband, and father of three has recently been getting a ton of attention for his incredibly intricate Disney costumes, especially the ones he makes for his children. As soon as you get a look at some of his work, it's easy to see why.

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In a recent interview with ​Buzzfeed​, Garcia explained that while he used to work in high fashion, once he had kids, the industry "wasn't really working" for him anymore. He soon found renewed inspiration, however, when his daughter, Lilli, asked him to make her a costume for a family trip to Disney World last year. 

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The Fairy Godmother costume that he created for Lilli was so flawless, that by the next day, he'd gotten almost a dozen orders from parents who'd seen his handiwork at the park.

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Garcia puts in a ton of work to make these gorgeous costumes, and it definitely shows. He says that each children's outfit takes anywhere from four to six hours work; while the adult versions of these costumes can take a jaw-dropping 12 to 48

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Of course, they don't come cheap, but he assures ​Buzzfeed​ he only uses the highest quality materials for his costumes, and never uses the same design twice

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To be honest, it looks like his costumes are worth every penny.

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After all, Disney magic is priceless.

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​Follow Gina on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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