This Easy Hack Reveals Who Your WhatsApp Best Friend is

Find out who you message most

Mar 21, 2018

​What with staring at our phone and reading through group Whatsapp messages taking up around 88% of our time, it's no surprise that we have around 3,000 open conversations on the app.

And seeing as you can now remove the sneaky two blue tick function and turn off the setting that allows other people to see when you're online, it was only a matter of time before Whatsapp revealed who you message most.

It's a bit like having best friends on Snapchat, only not. To find out who you message most and who is your official Whatsapp BFF, go to ​Whatsapp > Settings > Account > Storage Usage ​and waaa-lah! 

You can see who you message most, how many messages you've sent them and what your WhatsApp track record is like. Pretty cool, eh?

It's probably fairly in line with who your real BFF is and who you chat to most on a day-to-day basis, but still - good to have the proof, innit?

​Yeah, turns out I have no life outside of WhatsApp.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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