Great Great Grandmother Turns 110, Wants to Be Left Alone

"I am tired."

Mar 21, 2018

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Bow down to Flossie Dickey, everyone. Should you ever find yourself to be in a position to celebrate your 110th birthday, take a few pointers from Flossie, who appeared on Good Day Spokane this week to talk about her milestone. While it's a pretty big deal to cross over to the triple digit age category, Flossie was not feeling the vibe during the live broadcast. The great great grandmother (she's got 15 great great grand children, along with 20 great grandchildren and 12 regular grandchildren), opened the interview by announcing, "I am tired." She also expressed her love for napping. Then it was mostly silence from there. 

While it didn't take long for Flossie to decide she was with the interview, viewers were forced to watch the reporter extend the experience for a couple more excruciating minutes. She barely gets Flossie to reveal her secret to longevity ("I don't know. I don't fight it. I live it") before turning to a worker for this soundbyte: "Her favorite thing, according to her family, is to sit down and have some whiskey straight up."

Same, Flossie. Same.

Happy Birthday Flossie. May you and your favorite spirit be spared the next time you have a milestone (ie. your 120th). 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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