#IShapeMyWorld: Two Phenomenal Women On Pushing Boundaries and Breaking Stereotypes

Ft. Radhika Apte, Parvathy T K and their inspiring story of making this world better for women, little by little.

Mar 21, 2018

Levi's #IShapeMyWorld campaign is back for the third time with yet another kick*ss lot of women. In its last edition where fearless women like Ileana D'Cruz, Shakti Mohan and Bani J. came together to tell their stories, this new bunch that features the following women have pretty inspiring stories too.

Here are two young and bright actors who are breaking stereotypes and shaping their world:

Award winning actress Parvathy T K, was trolled for questioning misogyny in her work and threatened on various online portals for it. Her story sums up her fight towards challenging the status quo, and a quest to form a better world for women around her.

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRW2QQaIK2U[/youtube]

Radhika Apte, the stellar Bollywood actor believes in breaking norms and making her own. The actor refuses to fit in or give into practices that don't resonate with her. Not allowing controversies to pull her down or define her being, Radhika braves on to believe in herself and accepts what makes sense to her. That's how she shapes her very own, bold world.

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhZu2auVrCg[/youtube]

Talking about this activity, Meeta Bharvani, Director Marketing, Levi's India says, "The #IShapeMyWorld campaign is driven by the insight that in a world that still tries to restrain women from achieving their potential by fueling insecurities about themselves; whether it is about her 'body' or her 'being'; there are an increasing number of stories of women who took their chances and beat the odds. Our objective is to drive compelling stories crafting a narrative that celebrates 'her' choices that ultimately shape her world, in the spirit of authenticity, originality, and purposefulness that is inherent to the Levi's brand."

On that note, Happy Women's Day, ladies!

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