Microsoft Just Released the Best iPhone App Ever

Your selfies will never be the same.

Mar 21, 2018

The Next Web brings news of a new selfie app, simply titled Microsoft Selfie, that promises to take the best selfies in the land. If you hadn't already guessed by the name, it's a photo-editing tool designed to edit selfies. But it's not like other selfie apps — it's a cool selfie app.

From TNW:

According to Microsoft, it uses software to detect the subject's age, gender, skin tone, lighting, and other factors into account in order to edit accordingly. There are several themes to choose from, including 'Cool' and '1965,' and you can adjust the effect using a slider.

If it really does work on a variety of skin tones — for example, it doesn't just lighten away all perceived "flaws" and give everyone the same skin tone/color because that would not be cool — then this is exciting. Instead of futzing with filters for hours to create your perfect profile pic, you can now just upload and go.

Let's try it!

Here's what happened when I uploaded my first photo:

It automatically puts it at the most filtered and then lets you tone it down a bit from there. Here's me messing with the settings so I look like I'm less made of filters and lies (and more made of freckles, which is the truth):

And here's one of the extra filters down at the bottom called "boost" that turned me into a straight-up unrecognizable dewy plastic monster (AND I LOVE HER):

Interestingly, it would not put an automatic filter on the photo of my breakfast taco. I guess it knows true beauty when it sees it.

You can download the free app on iTunes if you want to give yourself a gorgeous new face today. Or stick with your old face? Your old face is gorgeous too. I like your freckles!

Follow Laura on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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