This Woman Is Making Fun of Sexist Guys in the Best Way

Can we please just let women LIVE?

Mar 21, 2018

Sometimes men do this ​really​ cute thing where they tell a woman to cover her goodies up online (because showing cleavage in your prof pic is SO SLUTTY RIGHT) while simultaneously flaunting their own manbod torsos all over the Internet. Double standards are sooooo fun. 

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To combat this terrible phenomenon, a woman named Lindsey (previously the creator of Cards Against Harassment) has started calling out the worst perpetrators of this blatantly sexist move with some public shame. Under the hashtag #shirtlessshamers2016, Lindsey is collecting screenshots of sexist, body-shaming tweets from men (aimed at women) and creating lovely little troll collages of shirtless pictures these same men have posted of themselves for online, public consumption. 

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"[The hashtag] started after I stumbled across a guy who had a shirtless avi talking about how if women want respect from men, they should cover themselves up and respect themselves, and I thought that was so absurd," Lindsey told "Turns out, there is a GLUT of dudes who are either oblivious to the ludicrousness of the double standard, or who are fully aware but embrace that standard as the cost of being a woman."

GIRL, PREACH. Lindsey, who said that a lot of what she does on Twitter is a combination of advocacy and social commentary, told me she thinks the double standard of what is deemed acceptable for women and men to post online is really awful. 

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"Any time women, especially young women of color, do something for their own enjoyment, it becomes a target for mockery or disdain," she said. "Most of the guys I feature on #shirtlessshamers2016 have a 'likes' list FULL of porn GIFs, so their issue doesn't seem to be with women naked or half-naked, but women doing those things for themselves." 

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Lindsey said she plans on posting one #shirtlessshamers2016 tweet a day until she has 365 — but the caveat is that she hopes she runs out of material before she actually gets that many. She also hopes this doesn't turn into a group trolling effort aimed at the men she features under the hashtag. The goal isn't to make their lives disgusting and miserable with mean tweets from a horde of strangers. "The point is to critique a broader cultural double standard," Lindsey said. 

Truthfully it'll take a ​lot ​of work to improve men's behavior on the Internet, but this is a good start. Women have enough to deal with without getting hate just for looking hot online. 

​Follow Hannah on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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