7 Cosmo Readers Share Their Most Shocking Stories and Steamiest Secrets

"And by the time I realised, my sister and my best friend had already seen some of the very private pictures..."

Jul 27, 2018

1. “When I’d first started my blog, I auto-scheduled my posts on Wordpress. But accidentally, I linked the wrong folder which contained some pretty risqué stuff! And by the time I realised, my sister and my best friend had already seen some of the very private pictures. I haven’t dared to use the auto-scheduling feature since.” - ASHIMA B., 23

2. “One time I went on a stalking spree and looked through all the pictures my boyfriend’s ex had posted on her Instagram. There must have been a glitch on my phone, because it liked all the pictures I clicked on, and the next
day, she posted a screenshot of all my Likes on her page. It was probably the most embarrassing moment ever. All our mutual friends texted me, calling me crazy!”—PRIYANKA V., 32

3. “I’ve not had the best luck on Tinder. The first person I ever met online stood me up, the second never called me back and the third was especially weird. He met me for lunch and I caught him actively swiping on Tinder
matches during the date! But I haven’t learnt my lesson because ironically, I’m still using Tinder.”—AAROHI M., 22

4. “I had two best friends—a guy and a girl. I was Whatsapp messaging the girl about how dumb our guy friend was for not realising his girlfriend cheated on him. I then saw I was texting him and not her. He didn’t talk to me for weeks after. He eventually accepted my apology but we never spoke about it.” —TARINI N., 19

5. “I matched with this guy on Tinder, and he seemed really funny. After two weeks of texting, we finally decided to meet. He was much shorter than me, and it was kinda a deal-breaker. I then had to ghost him, because I didn’t have the heart to tell him the real reason why we couldn’t see each other.”—SHRIYA B., 27

6. “The morning after this girl and I first slept together, she said, ‘Thanks for the great sex! Sorry to cut it short, but I need to get home to FaceTime my boyfriend’. And just left... I’m still so mind-f*ucked.” —SIDDARTH T., 28

7. “Sometimes, when I’m missing my boyfriend, I go through all his pictures on every single social media handle. Instagram, Twitter, and every single album or tagged picture on Facebook. Yes, I know, it’s rather sad.” —ABHILASHA S., 25

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