8 Ways to Attract Love Into Your Life This Valentine's Day

Step aside Mr. cupid, we are going to be handling this one ourselves.

Feb 14, 2019

If there is one thing that we truly want to believe in this Valentine's Day, it is the fact that love begets love. While there are many people out there, who are happily celebrating this day of love with their SO, there are others (like us) who are single and waiting for Mr. or Miss. Right to appear in our lives. Or maybe there are some of us, who want the relationships we already possess to re-kindle, or attract more loving and harmonious relationships into every sphere of our lives. Whatever it is that we wish for, there is no day like the day of love to start making some tangible changes to cause the love in our lives to grow. Here are eight physical and mental changes that we can all make to attract love into our lives, starting from today. 

1. Create a vision of your soul mate and dream relationship:

Visualise the kind of person you would like to bring into your life, or the kind of qualities you would like to inculcate into your relationship. We are not really talking about physical attributes and traits here, but more about the qualities that are important to you and also the feelings you want to manifest in your relationship. Now, write a few of these important traits down, or even better yet make a mood board, and spend five minutes every morning focusing on this.

2. Believe in love and relationships:

Sometimes the pain and disappointment of past relationships can make us cautious as we get into something new. While it may be wise to take your time and be careful when you consider getting into a new relationship, we must open our hearts up to believe that there is love out there, and that we deserve love in our lives, seeking it out in all our actions from day to day.

3. Gratitude:

 Instead of focusing on the absence of love in your life or in a relationship, it's time to do the opposite. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for and all the love you have received in your life, even from a relationship that did not work out. This can be done for a specific relationship as well. Close your eyes and say thank you three times when you read any point. Not only will this help you to have a much better day, but it will also remind you of all the love that you have received and help you feel loved from within. Which brings us to...

4. Live like you are already in love: 

Stop to smell the flowers, smile when you listen to your favourite romantic song and dress as though you are meeting your lover, even if you might just be going to meet a friend. These small steps might make you self-conscious as first, but by recreating that dreamy romantic haze that we feel when we first meet someone special, we are putting out the right kind of energy to attract love into our lives.

6. Be happy and love yourself: The first step to making your life full of love is to become happy from within. Find joy in your life, unique and remarkable as it is with all its ups and downs. Enjoy the time you spend with yourself, even while doing simple things like yoga or cooking a meal. By loving yourself and your life, you will become shiny and happy and attract someone who matches that vibe. 

5. Spread love everywhere you go:

At work, at home, with your friends, or by being kind to strangers you meet; make a conscious effort to nurture all the relationships around you. Instead of focusing on the lack of that one special relationship, when we work to improve the quality of the ones we have, we can transform our lives to be surrounded by love. Also, you never know when an existing relationship changes into one that is more meaningful when you invest the right energy into it.

6. Let go of your ex: Many people find this step to be difficult. Sometimes we tend to look at the past with rose-coloured glasses without realising what we are doing. Remember, there is a reason that you and your ex are not together. If you are still energetically connected to your ex by doing things like daydreaming of the moment when they will call asking to come back, then it’s like a big can of soul mate repellant. Someone new can’t enter your life if the old person is still in your heart.

7. Make space to bring love into your life:

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese set of principles that reviews what kinds of things are in your home and how they are placed in the space.  It has a lot to do with the energy of those objects and how they affect your energy; which in turn, affects how you manifest things like prosperity, career aspirations, and – yes – romance. If you find yourself without plans, use today to de-clutter your home and make space for a partner or SO. If there is any stuff that belongs to your ex, arrange to get rid of it. You can keep a few meaningful mementoes of course, but we are talking more about that pile of sports magazines in a corner collecting dust. Trust us, changing the energy of your room to receive love takes you one step closer to finding it.

8. Get out there: Finally, it's time to put yourself back in the game. Many people tend to think that love will come knocking on their door, but if you are sitting at home or hanging out with the same three friends, chances are slim that you will bump into your next romantic partner. Our advice, make a change today and register for some classes or things that interest you, get on a dating app, and be adventurous with the places you go and people you meet. Have fun and don't take it too seriously, and you will have met Mr. Right before you know it.


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