Men Explain Why They Send Dick Pics

"It made me feel good about myself"

Mar 21, 2018

​If you've ever attempted to navigate the minefield that is online dating, the chances are you'll have received a dick pic. They usually come as a bit of a surprise, tend to be fairly early on in conversation, and normally give you all the clarification you need to sack the boy off because clearly he has no social skills.

The thing is, dick pics aren't just something some women find a bit grim; unless they've explicitly been requested, they're actually just another form of sexual harassment that's become so commonplace for women to experience. After all, how many women do you hear of who send photos of their vaginas to men they've only just met on Tinder?

So one particular Reddit forum thread was of particular interest to us, asking men why the bloody hell they get their wangs out so often on camera? Here's what they said...

1. Some men want to get something in return

"I did it one time. Not sure what I thought was going to happen. Maybe I thought I had a good looking dick and wanted to show it off, maybe I thought I would get nudes from her in exchange, I don't know. But, the laughter and ridicule of my 70's bush was not what I was expecting. Then I found out she showed it to her 80 year old coworker. Never again. Never again."


2. Others do it for the reaction

"I would describe it as a kink, really. There's a certain reaction I'm looking for from the recipient and it just makes me feel good. I'm rarely looking for sex to be the end result of it- I think I just enjoy the reaction and it makes me feel like someone's impressed with me and has a sexual desire for me."


3. It can be part of a sex or porn addiction

"A few years ago, I was all wrapped up in depression and porn addiction. I didn't really want to have sex with someone so much as jerk off and send dick pics, so that's what I did. I snapchatted pretty much every female contact I had from an "anonymous" account. Some gals several times a day. A few of them ended up getting together, doing some detective work, and calling the police. I was charged with 3 counts of Privacy in Communications and 3 counts of indecent exposure, had to spend 3 days in jail, pay a hefty fine, lost my job, lost my apartment, had to move back in with my mum for a year, and alienated myself from a lot of friends."


4. Some use it to find out if a potential partner is interested or not

"I can't speak for straight men, but I'm a gay guy and will occasionally do this. To be honest, I realise it's a turn off to many - but to some it is a quick and easy way to gauge interest."


5. Some men just want to show off their big penises

"I have a big dong and I get off on the reactions. It made me feel good about myself, and I always felt like having a big dong sucks if nobody knows about it, it doesn't work to your advantage. But really I was just kinda horny and I wanted someone to find me attractive.​"


6. Some guys do it to turn on women

"I sent a dick pic once. It was to a woman I was already sleeping with. But I found after I sent it she wanted it more. She used to tell me she would look at it all the time and play with herself. I'm not with her anymore but she did tell me she still has it and still enjoys touching herself to it. Makes me feel good I guess.​"


7. Others do it to boost their low self esteem

"I've stopped doing it for many years now, but I used to do it all the time. It's difficult to describe what I was thinking when I did it? But I largely had poor self-esteem and desired to be "wanted" sexually. 

I finally stopped doing it because the validation I was getting from it was shallow and wasn't worth everything attached to it. It really was more of a misguided replacement for trying to make actual meaningful connections with people I felt I wasn't 'good enough' for."


8. Some like the buzz

"I've sent my dick to some girls I knew for a short time and was lucky to receive positive responses; the thrill to do it got the better of me. I'm fortunate to be really happy about my dingeldong. I wouldn't do it completely random though."


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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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