Saturday Short Story: Antara By Nadia B

The Elm : Strength

May 5, 2018



By nadia b


At the beginning of Autumn every year, she thought to herself, she must take advantage of these few months of perfect weather. Respite from the blazing heat and just before the cold of winter. She so loved this time of year. But most year's, this time passed by like any other.


Antara was feeling restless. Feeling bound in, wanting to stretch herself, physically, emotionally and mentally. Her marriage was not the worst but after decades together, and no children, she always told herself, this was what was to be expected.  Someone had once said that there were people who stayed and people who left...and she was of those that who stayed.  Little was she to know that her life was to change..


There had been a possibility that had arrived on her doorstep some autumns ago, while she had been travelling on work, that she had not taken forward, because she could not.  But she thought of Kyle often and wondered what could have been. Their first meeting itself and what followed had been synchronistic.


She had been running in the park near her hotel early one clear and cool morning and was feeling exhilarated. How little it took to make one feel alive. Clean fresh air and the crunch of fallen golden leaves under ones feet. She loved this time of year and she loved watching the leaves turn.


After her run, she was making her way out of the park where she literally bumped into Kyle. Well, they both bumped into each other, he was running and she had been distracted. She looked up to see this gorgeous man and her heart skipped a beat. Looking at him she stumbled and fell right into his arms. He held her while she steadied herself, she was so embarrassed she kept apologising. He laughed  and said if she was really sorry, she should join him for coffee. She mumbled that she was running late for a meeting, apologised again and left.


As he watched her leave...there was something about her that had hit him straight in the pit of his stomach...and he needed a few moments to centre himself.


She had sounded like a giddy young girl she thought while walking back to her hotel. But was he gorgeous! She shrugged off the embarrassment, she had a long day ahead and a very important deal to close. She needed to focus on that. And the lawyer of the other side was known all over the world for his tough, negotiating skills.


She arrived at work looking stunning in a camel coloured suit, white silk shirt with a stand of baroque pearls. Camel stilettos and a camel bag completed her look. Her long hair, straightened and severe. She called this her going to war look..disarm the opposition at first strike.


After settling herself at her large Victorian desk with the sunlight streaming in, she read the files, going through them one last time before the negotiating started. 


Finishing her espresso she walked into the conference room with her client, and already seated was the other side.

She nearly stumbled, for the second time in the day, as the lawyer for the other side was the man she had bumped into at the park!


Kyle took a minute to regain his composure. He had been nervous about this meeting as Antara was a legend in her field. And their paths had never crossed before this. And here she was, for the second time today.


He had to focus he told himself as did she. They got straight to work, thorough professionals, hard hitting and tough. At the end of eight hours the deal was done. The Clients were very happy, both thought they had got the best deal and that in itself was recognition of Antara and Kyle who by this point were exhausted but wired with exhilaration. He looked at her and asked if he could make the coffee a drink? She laughed and said yes, but that she would decide where. They went to her favourite bar and spent hours talking over many glasses of proseco. He was single but she was married and much as they both wanted to explore this further so badly, she couldn't. So when the evening ended, and he walked her back to the hotel, there was an awkward hesitation but before she succumbed, Antara quickly kissed him, said bye and walked into the hotel. And as he watched her go, his heart felt like it was being torn apart.


That was a few years ago and now she was back in the same city, in the same hotel, in the same season. And she knew Kyle was also still living here. Beyond that she didn't know much. So many years had gone by, she thought he must be married or with someone, but still she yearned to see him.


Kyle had had a rough few years. Work was exceptionally good, but his personal life was a mess. After that one evening with Antara, which he still replayed in his head as the only possibility of happiness he had ever had, he had had a few short lived relationships, one of which had given him a child and had turned his life upside down. Sylvia had been sweet and they had spent a few months together...both wanting nothing serious. But she had become pregnant and had decided to keep the baby. She wanted nothing from him, but Kyle couldn't have nothing to do with a child of his. So he was very much a part of beautiful little Lily's life and he so loved her.


He finished a run at the park and went to the nearby café to have a coffee before he headed off to work. His mind wandered and ended up where it usually did – to Antara and the possibility that never was. He always felt sad when he thought of her but he would find and love her another time. Of that he was sure.


His phone rang snapping him out of his work and he looked at it and for a moment thought he wouldn't answer it, but something made him pick it up and as soon as she said hello, he knew it was her. They exchanged a few stilted pleasantries, and decided to meet at the bar they had last met at, later that evening.


Kyle wondered what had made Antara call him. Was she still married? Had something changed?

He remained pre occupied with this thought all day, so he left office early, went for another run and then headed home to shower. Antara on the other hand was nervous, regretting having called him. What would this meeting do she thought? For one, her situation remained the same.


Antara wore a short a lined blue silk dress with a strand of pearls. Her hair, softer. She looked so different from when Kyle had seen her last. And even more beautiful. He walked over to the table where she was, unsure of how to greet her. Antara got up and gave him a hug. He felt an electric surge and wondered if she had felt it too. Once again, like all those years ago he had to step back to steady himself.


She should never have called him...she was feeling light headed and her entire body was pulsating with desire for this man. She was she could safely say, crashing into love with him.


The evening flew by. They had so much to catch up on and they didn't want to leave each other. The conversations were uninterrupted and the tension beautifully taught. It had to end differently, this time.


Lily was staying with Kyle for a few days and he wanted Antara to meet her. He asked her if she would and she said yes so they walked over to his home which was just a few streets away.


As the housekeeper opened the door, and Lily peeped out from the doorway, Antara felt at peace and at home, as she had never felt before. Kyle and she looked at each other and they both knew that this was now forever. They stepped in and the door closed behind them.




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