The 15 Most Beautiful Valentine's Day Stories on the Internet

Well, here we go, off to tear city.

Mar 21, 2018

Some people might tell you Valentine's Day is just a fake holiday designed by corporations to sell cards and chocolates. Totally false. It's a real holiday designed by the Internet to promote gooey viral videos and heartwarming stories! Beware: Nicholas Sparks moments ahead.

1. When a wife's recovery saved Valentine's Day.

Last year, Reddit user kthulhu666's wife was extremely sick and unlikely to recover. His doctor advised him to wait 36 hours to enact his wife's "do not resuscitate" wishes. While he was waiting, his wife woke up, regained her speech, and doctors predicted she'd make a full recovery.

2. When a U.S. Marine flew home from Afghanistan for a Valentine's Day surprise. 

He flew from Afghanistan to North Carolina to surprise his girlfriend in a movie theater. I dare you not to cry when she jumps into his arms. 

3. When this men's a cappella group brought Valentine's Day cheer to campus. 

The Brigham Young University a cappella group Vocal Point snuck up behind girls on campus to serenade them with love songs (including "L.O.V.E." by Nat King Cole and "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars) and give them roses. Some of the girls were startled at first, but they all had burst into smiles by the end. 

4. When a man spent Valentine's Day with his "girl."

This man did all the traditional Valentine's Day activities with his "girl" — a romantic walk, gifts, and lots of quality time together. Who said the "girl" in question had to be human?

5. This girlfriend who created the most heartfelt DIY gift ever.

Last Valentine's Day, one creative girlfriend gave her significant other a stack of 24 envelopes with instructions to open on specific occasions — like "you want to feel appreciated" or "you want to give up on us." 

6. When this first-grade teacher got a surprise proposal in front of her students on live television.

Her boyfriend confesses his love for her and reads a heartfelt poem before proposing on live television. I'm now a ghost because I died watching this.

7. This fiancé who came up with the sweetest gift ever.

"My first Valentine's Day with my fiancé was in 2004 and it was amazing," one woman wrote on Betty Confidential. "That January, I'd been looking online for a puppy and found a little Chihuahua I loved. I wanted more information about the dog but had to work, so my now-fiancé said he'd call and talk to the breeder for me. Later, he called to tell me the puppy had been sold. I was crushed. A month later, on the day before Valentine's Day, I walked into his apartment and found a card waiting for me. As I was reading it, his dog came running towards me. I started playing with him and then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this tiny little dog run past me with several bows around his neck. I started squealing as my fiancé said, "Do you recognize him?" He had not only bought my Chihuahua, Tony, but had arranged for him to be driven from Missouri and had picked him up at 1 a.m. Tony is the greatest gift anyone has ever given me — and that Valentine's Day remains the very best one of my life."

8. When a normal day at the movie theater turned into a life-changing event. 

One woman thought she was seeing a movie with her family. But then she recognized the main actor. What happened next changed her life forever.

9. This soldier who flew cross-country to his girlfriend with a proposal. 

A U.S. Marine flew from Georgia to Minnesota to surprise his girlfriend with flowers and a proposal at the hospital where she worked. His nerves are palpable, especially as the rest of the nurses gather round to watch. (Skip to 4:10 to see the start of the festivities.) 

10. This positive pregnancy test that led to a Valentine's Day to remember.

"On Feb. 14, 1980, my parents received a phone call from a local lab letting them know that they were pregnant," one woman wrote on "My mom waited nine months and when she gave birth, she was blessed with her baby girl ... Every year, she makes it special by giving me something that warms the heart, and many years ago, I received a large bouquet of flowers at work. I moved away from my hometown for six years and she still continued the tradition! I have kept the cards through the years and have wonderful memories of Valentine's Day. It's not the typical day most women hope for, but for me, it's the perfect day, as I was blessed with the two most loving, caring and dedicated parents ever."

11. When this guy used 20 roses to brighten up womens' Valentine's Days.

This guy wanted to make sure the girls on his campus were having a special Valentine's Day, so he skateboarded around his school and handed out 20 roses to girls that were walking or sitting by themselves. 

12. This man who got down on one knee to pop the question at Target. 


13. This Valentine's Day proposal that could win an Oscar.

This man made a video for his girlfriend after realizing he was ready to spend the rest of his life with her. With an appearance from his family, the boyfriend plays the video explaining his love for her in an empty movie theater and then asks her to marry him in person. He said his goal was to make that Valentine's Day a day she would never forget. 

14. When this woman handed out hundreds of Valentine's Day cards on her commute to and from work.

"On my evening commute, so many people were like 'Nobody gave me a valentine!' or, 'You made my day!' I think there's nothing better than that. So I thought, OK, I should make this an annual thing." she told BuzzFeed.

15. When Doge saved the day. 

I'm anti-wallowing in singledom on Valentine's Day and pro-Doge, so this is basically my ultimate Valentine. 

Follow Hannah on Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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