This Exclusive 'Me Before You' Clip Will 100% Make You Cry

I challenge you not to feel instantly emosh

Mar 21, 2018

If you've read Me Before You then you'll know what an emotional roller coaster the story will take you on. ​It's a love story to challenge the greats. We're talking Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, The Notebook level. Yes I want there. It's got the perfect mix of heart warming moments and tragedy mixed together in just the right portions to have you crying and laughing simultaneously.

The basic premise of the story goes Louisa Clark (Emilia Clarke) ​is a quirky late twenty-something who has kind of lost her direction in life. She gets fired from her dead end job, and so begins working as Will Traynor's (Sam Claflin) ​carer in order to support her family. Will was a wealthy, young banker who was paralysed after a road accident. The two characters end up teaching each other more about life and love than they ever thought possible.

One of the most prominent scenes in the film occurs just after Will and Louisa have been to the opera, and we've only bloody got an exclusive clip for you. No problem guys. 

[gopher ]// [/gopher]​

"I just want to be a man who's been to a concert with a girl in a red dress... just a few minutes more." Stop, I'm welling up. You must all go see this film immediately.

And if for some crazy reason you need any more convincing, then just watch the full trailer...

[youtube ][/youtube]​

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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