Good News For People Who Complain They Hate the Feel of Condoms

They'll never be able to use that dumb excuse again :).

Mar 21, 2018

Some good people (scientists) down in Australia have been experimenting with condoms (for science) to determine what the next big trend in condoms is. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, they are developing new hydrogel condoms after finding people very much enjoyed their ~*pleasurable texture*~.

"It's really unusual to touch," Swinburne University cognitive neuroscientist Joseph Ciorciari said. "It feels like real human tissue, like when you're touching someone but they're covered in a lubricant." 

Compared to four other lubricated and non-lubricated latex and hydrogel products, the lubricated hydrogel combination was the only one that triggered "strong hot spot[s]" in the brains of the participants.

Not only are the scientists evaluating the material for pleasurable purposes, but they're also looking into adding antiviral and antibacterial chemicals to the condoms to prevent the spread of STDs — they've received $100,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to continue testing in that vein.

No word on when the testing will be complete and when these bad boys will go to market, but praise be the day they arrive and penis-having people can't complain they don't like the feel of condoms.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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