Here's What the Perfect Penis Looks Like According to Women

Men, gird your loins.

Mar 21, 2018

For the first time, a group of researchers from UCLA and the University of New Mexico have used 3-D-printed phalluses to ascertain women's penis size preferences. Previous studies on the subject have asked women to state a length in centimeters or to select "small, medium, [or] large," as if they were ordering a side of French fries. Other experiments have presented women with 2-D drawings, but what is a penis, really, without the third dimension?

Men, it's time to chill about worrying that your penis isn't as long as an actual anaconda and as thick as a stack of paperbacks (or whatever). According to a study published today in peer-reviewed science journal PLOS One, women don't really prefer enormous penises. In fact, they like penises that are only slightly larger than average, and that preference can differ slightly depending on relationship context.

In the study, sexual psychophysiologist Dr. Nicole Prause and a team of researchers presented 75 women with pictures of 100 different erect penises (Overwhelming!) and the ladies narrowed their penis preferences to 33 disembodied members. Then, they 3-D-printed out those dongs (on blue plastic to "to minimize racial skin-color cues") and the women then put the penises into two categories: ones they'd prefer on a long-term partner and ones they'd prefer hanging from the bodies of a one-night stand. Man, I love science.

OK, since you are clearly dying for the results, here they are. For a LTR, women ideally want a length of 6.3 inches and circumference of 4.8 inches. For a one-night stand, they want 6.4 inches long and 5 inches around.

The takeaway is interesting, but it's important to keep in mind that (almost) all women prefer all sorts of different penis sizes and also the character of the penis-haver is about 50 million times more important than the width of the wang. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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