This Woman Pretended to be Sick to Get Out of a Date And it Went Badly Wrong

We've all been there

Mar 21, 2018

​We've all done the emergency 'oh my god my friend is in trouble I have to go right now' excuse to get out of a bad date, but one woman's horror story is enough to make you sit through that boring guys chat about his work pension.

This extract from a police blotter hilariously describes how a couple "were hiking, and the woman because ill." It then goes on to explain how the woman was faking her illness to try and end the date, which had been organised via a dating app. Oh love, we've all been there.

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Our favourite part is where they suggest that she should be more forthcoming about why she wanted to end the hike. We all know it's not that easy mr policeman, and sometimes a little white lie is the way forward, so ease up on the poor girl. To be fair, the man took her hiking on a first date. Any sane woman would have done the same thing. 

Of course, one tweet was enough to have the Twitterverse sharing their own favourite police blotter stories. Admittedly, most aren't anything to do with dates, but they're pretty goddamn hilarious nonetheless. Can we get these in the UK, anyone? 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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