The Weird AF Trait About Your Zodiac Sign Which You Probably Never Knew!

For instance, Aquarius people tend to have perpetually cold hands and feet!

14 March, 2024
The Weird AF Trait About Your Zodiac Sign Which You Probably Never Knew!

People who are obsessed with zodiac signs will check a lot of things in their life as per their stars, out of sheer habit, or faith one can say. Whether its guiding them in their love life, or hinting at tips towards a spicier sex life, or simply to bring their A-game at work—zodiacs play an imperative role in a believer's life. But sometimes, it's fun to look up your sign just for the hell of it in order to learn more about what makes you "you."

Take a look at some of the quirkiest facts about your zodiac sign. ?


1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

If you're the one whose room is a pile of clothes, on top of a tower of books―complete with a few set of books here and there, it's a big possibility that you belong to this zodiac sign. You can't help being a slob, probably because your overly ambitious nature takes up most of your time, and you prefer not to waste even the slightest bit of time or your energy on something which doesn't bring you any gain.

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Yet, miraculously you are somehow able to find what you're looking for in that mess on your floor, or amidst the food wrappers in your car, and get dressed in 5 minutes to go about about your business! That's the hawk-eye view you've got, and the world outside has better things to pique your interest!

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

If you're dating a Taurean, and you claim to be their first love—sorry, you're deluded. Their first and foremost love is Food, yes food with a capital 'F'.

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People belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign, have a weird obsession with food, which nobody(including themselves) can truly fathom. They're always equipped with the yummiet snacks, whether it is en route a trip, on the way to a party, at the movies—the works. They can have nightmares at the thought of going without food, and can totally spend long hours day-dreaming about their next meal, à la Joey Tribbiani!

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Everyone is aware of the multi-talented personality of this zodiac sign, and their ability to learn super-fast, adapt and exchange ideas and concepts. Their mind works at lightning speed, sometimes making it difficult for even their own selves to keep pace with it.

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It's probably because of this fact, that Gemini is the sign which is most likely to win a prize! Yes, it is actually true. Studies have revealed that a great percentage of Nobel Prize winners comprise of Geminis. Now, you can totally have high hopes from your fellow Gemini friend!

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Is the back of your notebook scribbled with practising your name and your crush's name in a big heart, or in silly match-making games? Even as a kid, you had a celebrity crush who would give you sleepless nights, and you'd totally day-dream about your imaginary relationship with them.

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Guilty AF? You're probably a Cancerian! Die-hard romantic by nature, very few people know of this hidden aspect to their personality. People confuse their loyal, tenacious, and emotional nature for plain old sensitive, but few are aware that they are gushing with an all consuming love, which they prefer to keep a secret!


5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The fire sign stands true to its core, and is brimming with a fiery energy and charisma that is seldom missed. Super creative, passionate with oodles of confidence—there's hardly anything that the Leo is unable to achieve, if they've set their eye on it. Which weirdly, makes them fantastic conversationalists.

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A Leo aces sales, and will convince anyone to buy what they're selling—be it a good, a service or just a mere concept of theirs! That's their charm, and you can't resist it. If you're a Leo who never realised this till now, you should totally try for yourself.


6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

"A lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets."— enter Virgo. Before you're puzzled, and racking your brains to understand, believe this, they are hidden fireballs in bed. Guised in innocence, she is probably aware of the A-Z of sex, and may just be having her secret stash of erotica hidden beneath her pillow.

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Quite contrary to their otherwise stable, sorted and mature nature—this personality trait is super intriguing, and not to mention quite fun, really! Virgo is the type of friend who will share with you, amazing (and effective) tips on how to please your man, peppered with dirty jokes that will have you chortling.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The weirdest personality trait about a Libra is their complete ignorance to their own beauty, which is nothing short of breathtaking! She's the one who tries super-hard to clean up well for an event, without realising she would look flawless, effortlessly.

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Surprisingly, she would be totally surprised when she would receive a compliment, and not out of modesty—but because she really is alien to her gorgeousness. Interestingly, Libras often have a dimple on their cheek. Totes adorbs.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The most passionate and dynamic sign out of all, Scorpios are brimming with a vigorous force that exudes power. But, here's the weird part. They have a kitten-like soft core hidden away in a closet inside their heart.

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Scorpios melt at the mere sight of baby animals, and secretly cry while watching sappy movies. They would risk their lives just to pet a dog, and can totally lie all day in a bed of puppies.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is the craziest, and most adventure loving zodiac sign, with a mind of their own.They are the ones who have their secret treasure of stress balls which they are more than willing to share with their friends.

Name a fun activity—stress balls, colouring books, a mood-boosting playlist, they've got all. There's never a dull day if you're in their company, and she would totally be your remedy to battle any kinda stress. Stat.



10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

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Hey you Capricorn, what's the secret behind your youth? Actually, its just in the stars. Out of all the signs, Capricorn is the one that apparently looks young, for the longest time! They seem to be unaffected by the natural process of ageing, and are brimming with vitality and grace. We can totally imagine a lot of envious glares.



11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This one will blow your mind. If your Aquarius roommate is the bane of your existence as she constantly keeps turning the AC off, on the pretext of feeling icy cold while you're practically melting—cut her some slack. It's not her fault.

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Turns out, Aquarius people tend to have perpetually cold hands and feet. According to astrologer and Feng Shui expert Donna Stellhorn, Aquarius rules circulation in the body, which may explain their lifelong desire to turn the heat up.


12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Don't be fooled by the sensitive nature of Pisces, they are uber fun and cool people inside. Their uninhibited self takes over when they're alone, and they have a kick*ss time by themselves which probably includes blasting their favourite guilty-pleasure music, getting drunk, and doing embarrassing things for Snapchat. In short, they're pretty chilled out and can totally take you for a fun ride!

