It’s Official—Yellow’s Been Declared the Colour of Happiness. Here’s Why...

Your Life Needs This Colour!

14 June, 2018
It’s Official—Yellow’s Been Declared the Colour of Happiness. Here’s Why...

Ever dressed all in black because your day felt gloomy? Or in a deep red because you were feeling sexy? Turns out there is a definitive link between colour and your mood, and the one that will make
you feel your absolute best is yellow—the colour of sunshine and spring flowers and happy-face emojis.

Psych Digest confirms that most colours have an impact on your mind. For instance, red warms and excites the body, orange has a tendency to stimulate the appetite, and pink and blue are the most
relaxing colours in the swatchbook (ergo, all the baby-pink hospital walls). And then there’s yellow. In a research conducted by Vrije University in Amsterdam, people reported feeling happier when shown yellow objects. The colour actually raises blood pressure and pulse, which are physical signs of joy. 

“Yellow is often associated with both warmth and optimism,” says Karen J. Pine, a psych professor from the University of Hertfordshire, UK, and author of Mind What You Wear: The Psychology Of Fashion. “Wearing yellow is also indicative of extraversion.” Bright, popping lipstick is something Pine recommends for an instant mood lift. “When you look positive, you feel positive,” she adds.
Cosmo recommends a canary-coloured rug for your room... and a sunny dress for when you’re feeling down!
