Plant-Based Diets to Conscious-Eating, 7 Celebrity Chefs Tell You What Really Works!

All that you need to eat to get fit and fabulous-er...

02 March, 2020
Plant-Based Diets to Conscious-Eating, 7 Celebrity Chefs Tell You What Really Works!

From vegan diets to plant-based eating and non-GMO meal plans, if you are looking to eat healthier, here's help. 

We spoke to 7 chefs in the biz about their take on the trending diets RN to know if they really work. It's time to get woke and eat woke too! 

Here's what they had to say. 

Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor 

"Plant-based diets are gaining popularity because of one significant reason- people have started to realise the importance of our environment. Also, following this diet is so much easier and fun nowadays with the amount of experimentation happening in the culinary world. Superfoods are helping to provide the essential nutrition to the body, which animal products were doing before. I think it’s great because nature has always been a giver and we are finally putting efforts in reaping the benefits."

Chef Pawan Bisht, One8 by Virat Kohli

"Plant-based diets are the future. Not only are they good for the planet, but they are also good for us and our bodies. By adopting a plant-based diet for even 4 days in a week we can really make a change to our health and the planet."

plant based

Celebrity Chef Amrita Raichand

"I think it’s a great trend especially keeping the environment in mind. Unfortunately, as a community, I feel that we don’t understand the idea of balance and doing things in control. Hence trends like these help raise awareness ensuring a more conscious society. I am hoping that this trend helps in inculcating the habit of having everything we enjoy in moderation."

Chef Vineet Bahuguna, Hilton Garden Inn, New Delhi 

"The millennials today are outgoing and love to spend time and money on exceptional dining experiences. There is also a visible shift towards elevated, conscious and healthy eating which is paving way newer F&B formats including plant-based protein diets, innovative detox drinks and much more. So, while people are going back to basics but it is innovation in the F&B sector that is driving the real shift."

Chef Kasture, Former chef at the Rashtrapati Bhavan

"Every cuisine is unique and has both healthy and unhealthy options. Everyone’s palate and staple food are different as per their climatic conditions and availability. If I have to refer one, I would always suggest youngsters to eat Indian cuisine for its ayurvedic base and a balanced diet. I have seen many people usually skipping breakfast. So, by not avoiding the first meal of the day and having Poha or Upma in the morning, one can always start the day on a healthy note."


Celebrity Chef Saransh Goila 

"Indian food is extremely healthy when cooked correctly with the right ingredients and eaten at the right time. I think we are often shamed into being an unhealthy cuisine but that is not the case. Indian food is actually very healthy and balanced when served and had in the right manner. We need to serve big bowls of dals and sabzi, maybe reduce the quantity of rice and bread. Our cuisine has a lot of Ayurvedic history like certain spices are added to certain dishes in a certain season, they have antibacterial properties, reduce inflammation etc, all this gets sidelined and we have become popular for the wrong reasons – Indian food is spicy and greasy."

Chef Sinchai’ Srivipa, Chiva-Som

"I feel that conscious-eating is the best and most effective way to change your eating habits. Before putting anything into your mouth, you have to be mindful and think about the impact those choices will have on health and wellbeing. At Chiva-Som, we employ health food preparation techniques, which includes cooking techniques that preserve the quality of the nutrients in our cuisine."
