5 Yoga Asanas to Detox Your System And Build Immunity

Feeling bloated, unhappy and stressed? Well, maybe your body is asking for a much-needed detox to purge the toxins out of your system. Here are some yoga poses to stimulate your digestive system and get fitter.  

06 August, 2020
5 Yoga Asanas to Detox Your System And Build Immunity

Feeling bloated, unhappy and stressed? Well, maybe your body is asking for a much-needed detox to purge the toxins out of your system. Here are some yoga poses to stimulate your digestive system and get fitter.  

PADANGUSHTASANA Formation of the posture • Begin by standing in Samasthithi, feet together • Exhale and gently bend your upper body, dropping your head and keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed • When you are folding forward, attempt to move your torso from the hip joints, instead of the waist. • Hold your big toes, inhale and look up as you straighten your arms • Exhale and fold forward • Try to keep the legs and knees straight throughout the practice. If you are a beginner, you may have to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this. • With practice, slowly straighten your knees • Repeat this asana
1PADANGUSHTASANA PADANGUSHTASANA Formation of the posture • Begin by standing in Samasthithi, feet together • Exhale and gently bend your upper body, dropping your head and keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed • When you are folding forward, attempt to move your torso from the hip joints, instead of the waist. • Hold your big toes, inhale and look up as you straighten your arms • Exhale and fold forward • Try to keep the legs and knees straight throughout the practice. If you are a beginner, you may have to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this. • With practice, slowly straighten your knees • Repeat this asana
KANDHARASAN Formation of the posture • Begin by lying down on your back • Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. • Walk and pull your feet towards your pelvis. • Stretch your arms over the floor beside your body. • Grip your ankles with your palms. • Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor. • Form a gentle arch of the back as you try to touch your chest with your chin. • Focus your gaze towards the sky.
2KANDHARASANKANDHARASAN Formation of the posture • Begin by lying down on your back • Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. • Walk and pull your feet towards your pelvis. • Stretch your arms over the floor beside your body. • Grip your ankles with your palms. • Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor. • Form a gentle arch of the back as you try to touch your chest with your chin. • Focus your gaze towards the sky.
NAUKASANA Formation of the posture • Lie down on your back • Lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones. • Your toes must be aligned with your eyes • Keep your knees and back straight • Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward • Tighten your abdominal muscles • Straighten your back • Inhale and exhale normally
3NAUKASANANAUKASANA Formation of the posture • Lie down on your back • Lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones. • Your toes must be aligned with your eyes • Keep your knees and back straight • Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward • Tighten your abdominal muscles • Straighten your back • Inhale and exhale normally
MALASANA Formation of the posture • Begin by standing straight with your arms by the sides of your body • Bend your knees, lower your pelvis and place it over your heels • Ensure that your feet remain flat on the floor • You may either place your palms on the floor beside your feet or join them in front of your chest in a gesture of prayer • Spine remains erect
4MALASANAMALASANA Formation of the posture • Begin by standing straight with your arms by the sides of your body • Bend your knees, lower your pelvis and place it over your heels • Ensure that your feet remain flat on the floor • You may either place your palms on the floor beside your feet or join them in front of your chest in a gesture of prayer • Spine remains erect
BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE) Formation of the posture: • Lie down flat on your stomach with palms placed under your shoulders • Keep your feet together, with toes on the ground • Inhale completely (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh) and then lift your head, shoulders and torso up at a 30 degree angle • Ensure that your navel remains on the floor, your shoulders are broad and head slightly raised upwards • Pressure on your toes– This activates the Sun (Right) and Moon (Left) channels which are connected to your lower back • Hold the posture for 10 seconds • Slowly bringyour torso down and then exhale breath (Rechak) – This breathing technique is therapeutic
5BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE)BHUJANGASANA (COBRA POSE) Formation of the posture: • Lie down flat on your stomach with palms placed under your shoulders • Keep your feet together, with toes on the ground • Inhale completely (Purak), hold your breath (Kumbakh) and then lift your head, shoulders and torso up at a 30 degree angle • Ensure that your navel remains on the floor, your shoulders are broad and head slightly raised upwards • Pressure on your toes– This activates the Sun (Right) and Moon (Left) channels which are connected to your lower back • Hold the posture for 10 seconds • Slowly bringyour torso down and then exhale breath (Rechak) – This breathing technique is therapeutic
"You can also modify your diet to improve your liver health. Increase the quantity of fiber in your food, replace caffeine with green tea and make sure you are getting sufficient amount of Vitamin C. You can also add turmeric, nuts and consume more leafy green vegetables in your diet to detox," says Grand Master Akshar.
6ginger-lemon-and-turmeric-tea.jpg"You can also modify your diet to improve your liver health. Increase the quantity of fiber in your food, replace caffeine with green tea and make sure you are getting sufficient amount of Vitamin C. You can also add turmeric, nuts and consume more leafy green vegetables in your diet to detox," says Grand Master Akshar.