Underrated sitcoms that will help you deal with year-end existential crisis

These shows will help you laugh it away.

22 December, 2023
Underrated sitcoms that will help you deal with year-end existential crisis

As the year draws to a close, it's not uncommon to be in a reflective state, over-analysing, and overinterpreting the events that transpired through the year. In times when existential crises loom, a dose of light-hearted laughter can be the perfect remedy. Enter sitcoms, the unsung heroes of stress relief. We've rounded up a selection of underrated sitcoms that offer a delightful escape and serve as the ideal companions for navigating the complexities of life with a chuckle. So, if you're seeking a break from the existential pondering, grab a seat, hit play, and let the laughter commence.



Jeff, a former lawyer, attends community college when he discovers that his Bachelor's degree is fake. In the process, he bonds with his Spanish study group, and what follows is loads of laughter, unexpected plot twists, and wholesome friendship. With its clever writing and memorable characters, Community is sure to end up on your comfort show list offering the much-needed dose of laughter.

'Better Off Ted'


Of course, we had to include a workplace sitcom on our list. While Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Office are worldwide favourites, this underrated workplace comedy should be on your list, too. The lead character, Ted, navigates through the bizarre challenges of his job while dealing with eccentric colleagues and maintaining work-life balance. Furthermore, the show explores the absurdities of corporate culture, office dynamics, and the odd experiments conducted by the company in a humourous way.

'Happy Endings' 


Many of us (including this writer) still haven't quite mastered the intricacies of adulting, and that's the struggle the cast of this sitcom faces as well. The series unfolds the interconnected lives of six young city dwellers attempting to navigate the complexities of adulthood. Through the ups and downs, be it break-ups or other curveballs life throws their way, these friends remain a tight-knit group. PS: You'll notice the striking similarities between this sitcom and the iconic Friends.



In this sitcom, within the megastore, Cloud 9, employees grapple with the day-to-day challenges of their work. The show spins around a group of staff members who are busy either dealing with eccentric customers and corporate policies or fostering relationships within the team. If you are like us, you will surely love the cute camaraderie between characters Amy and Jonah. Picture Brooklyn Nine-Nine set in a retail store, and you've got the essence of the Superstore. It's a definite must-watch.

'30 rock' 


If juggling a challenging boss, staying organised at work, managing personal life, and trying not to lose your sanity sound familiar, then this sitcom is a must-watch. The main character, Liz Lemon, is steering through a similar experience, and this show might hit home for you. 

'Kim’s Convenience' 


Consider this a must-watch for every kid who survived (or is living in) the chaos of an Indian household! Get ready to nod along and say, "Yep, that's so us!" in every episode. It's a wild ride with a Korean-Canadian family running a convenience store in the heart of Toronto—chaos and wholesomeness guaranteed!
